2012 And More Parents Going ‘On the Run’ From the SS

John Hemming LibDem MP

John Hemming LibDem MP.

Why do parents get so frightened of SS that they go on the run?  Why is an MP John Hemming helping them?  Why is Ian Josephs, retired businessman, helping people to go on the run?

  • SS described as ‘politically correct’ self-styled ‘social engineers’.
  • ‘Didn’t the Nazi’s do this to socially frighten and split families up to take control?’
  • ‘This is a 100 % criminal agency it is all only for money, I have family that worked for CPS.’


Telegraph has also covered this phenomenon.  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/8771232/Couple-denied-legal-help-while-lawyers-make-1m-removing-their-children.html

10 April 2014

Ian Josephs Part Two – How the world views UK ‘Social Services’


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