{{{Behind The Facade – Dr Sally Baker}}}


New Piece
Anonymous 17 March 2018
The Conservative Party

“…[Now it has been revealed] that there have been 13 deaths of Russians living in the UK in the last few years. Buzzfeed have investigated the circumstances of the deaths and they maintain that the police have simply dismissed them all as ‘suicides’ or ‘not suspicious’ even when they obviously weren’t. One of the deaths was caused by an attack with two knives and another involved the ingestion of a rare poison.

“As I’m not in the Commons and I can’t be shouted down by a bunch of ignoramuses and hypocrites, I’ll take this opportunity to remind the paedophiles’ friends in the House of just how much toadying to very rich dodgy Russians there has been for many years on the part of UK politicians. In 2008 George Osborne and Mandy joined the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska on his yacht – after which Mandy was alleged to have done Oleg’s business some very big favours. Osborne later stated that he ‘regretted’ joining Mandy and Oleg on the yacht, but that it ‘had prepared him for office’.

“So that’s why George was so friendly to rich crooks when he was Chancellor!”

From a new blog post by Dr Sally Baker: