[Cibolo Creek Ranch Shoot

Tap NewsWire – Scalia Shooting


Archduke Andreas Salvatore Hapsburg-Lothringen, from left, joined Cristina Girard, John Poindexter and Claudia Craft at Cibolo Creek Ranch.   http://houston.culturemap.com/news/society/03-01-10-old-world-traditions-embraced-at-cibolo-creek-ranch-shoot/#slide=1

christina girard

Christina Girard

Bohemian Grove, Pedo Hunting Parties and Rent Boy Ranch


Concerning the Ranch Anton Scalia Was Murdered At

”I and others, such as Fiona Barnett- who was trafficked from Australia, were taken to the Bohemian Grove as children, and we have witnessed pedophiles hunt for children amongst the redwood forest. Another version of the Bohemian Grove is what I believe this ranch to be- a place where rich people are able to hunt children down like animals– which is just one small aspect of their perverted and dark activities.

Hunting, raping and killing children for sport is a common feature of elite pedophile gatherings. Alleged attendees at European pedophile hunts include King Albert of Belgium, Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard, Prince Johan Friso of Holland and his wife Mabel Wisse Smit”

James Starkey R.I.P.