{{{Commonwealth Constitution Australia 2021 TREASON}}}

Also see {{{LandGate Australia 1 & 2}}}

How the political parties have deceived us
Watch ”Criminals In Government”

Dick Yardley Joins the Aussie Battler To Explain Treason


3 October 2020 Dawn Kelly: The Truth Will Set You Free (relating to Australia)

Published on Oct 3, 2020

An insightful ten minute look at the hidden history of Australia. This is the history that they dont want you to know. A treaty was signed in Geneva called the Declaration regarding the Teaching of History (Revision of School Textbooks) to change the way history is taught because Australians might get a little upset to discover the truth which is that we are a foreign occupied nation: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/df…​ Purchase your own 1901 Federal Land Flag: https://dawnkelly.com.au/product/1901…​ https://dawnkelly.com.au/product/1901…​ Reclaim your trust account from the UN: https://the-inner-compass.teachable.c…​ https://dawnkelly.com.au/blog​ Brand new tube: https://brandnewtube.com/@dawnkellyIn…​

wayne griffiths
Thank You for this. Keep on sister.🙏☝️🙏💚💯😁 Blessings from north Wales UK.🙏

Dawn Kelly
Hi Wayne, I was born in Bristol… just down the road from you. Blessings to you my friend x

Therese Lorens
Thanks Dawn – great, easy to follow video. I’ll use this to help ‘unschool’ my children 🙂 Thank you

Michael Mathews
Well done Dawn, thank you. The 2 Wild Beast’s of the book of Revelation, “”ascend from the Sea””

Ray Ray
The best explanation i have come across on the deception of the Australian people. TY Dawn Kelly subbed….

Krid Kat
Excellent informative Thanky ü ✌️🥰🌻

Hi as you said in your video Australia is not part of the treaty because Australia is only two islands that were uninhabited. Therefore the land Terus Australus is still in the possession of the original people with sovereignty. Hence why we need to #PeoplesTreaty And remove the foreign government

Helen Cruickshanks
Thankyou Dawn Kelly you explained that so well even a child could follow along. I cried, when I learned of this hidden truth. I felt a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. We have been lied to and deceived, now I am Free! I guess this is just the beginning as there is much work to be done. To start I am ordering a 1901 Red Flag and a 1611 Bible. Then I am sharing this great news.

Dawn Kelly
But wait… there’s more. Have you watched the other two videos? It is quite astounding how deep this corruption goes. I am so happy that you got something out of it x

waynebow 2018
Better grab a copy of 1984… and you’ll have the complete set !

Ray Ray
@waynebow 2018 “in times of deceit, speaking the truth becomes revolutionary” G.Orwell. We are living 1984. He had a great vision for a socialist. lol

Dawn Kelly
Ask and you shall receive ❤️

Awesome video, Thank you Dawn. Very clear and succinct. I am enquiring now to become a Sheriff and open a Common Law Court in my area. Much to do.

Joanne G
Where can I find part 2 & 3 please?

Joanne G
Dawn Kelly looking forward to it. Very informative. The bastards have been busy haven’t they?!?! Thank you for putting it together and making it easy to understand. 🙏🙏

MotherShip Terra
I just broke out in a sweat

MotherShip Terra
@Dawn Kelly I didn’t know the Q. had sold us out, I know about the birth cert and the straw man and how it’s worth money. I think it was the realization that the UN owns us I am living in Melbourne in the belly of the beast. We are the ones who have inherited the wealth of the lands and we should be stewards and protectors of the earth. Someone put a link to your channel in the comments section of a news report and I am very glad I found you. I do want to know more about how to regain my living status. Thank you for putting all this info out their for us. Violet

Josh Mosh
i dont know how i found you but if i found you sooner i would not have been ready

Kyle W
It says the “commonwealth of Australia” meaning the main island or land… AND the islands named but not other EXTERNAL territories. You’ve interpreted that wrong. This calls into question everything you have said but i still found your video interesting.

Mark Stephens
Hi Dawn, have you looked at


A Peaceful Solution for Australia. The foreign powers have no Lawful Jurisdiction in Australia. No Treaty with the Original People = NO Lawful Sovereignty = No Lawful Jurisdiction

Dawn Kelly
The thing is that as a citizen you are giving them power as trustees, when you step off of the citizenship and know your standing that is when you take back your power!

Mark Stephens
@Dawn Kelly I acknowledge that. Do you think this would be a great start to a new future for Australia ?. A United National sovereignty for Australia’s lawful independence, built by the people, for the people and accountable to the people. Thx for your videos by the way.

Sue Maynes
There are several quite substantial errors in this video.

1. You refer to 8 treaties being signed in 1910 – however, some similar treaties were entered into in the previous years.

2. When you state that America set up a defacto government during their Great White Fleet visit, what proof of that can you provide, as the Cth appears to have continued as constitutionally created.

3. With reference the 1939 Teaching of History treaty – apart from that being way past the 1910 focus, your verbal interpretation was that the treaty was ‘forced into entry’ – which is a very misleading statement – the treaty was ‘entered into force’ – which is a common legal expression simply meaning it was now legal. Was that a deliberate misleading?

4. Your verbal statement re the Nationality & Citizenship Act 1948, that the UN is the trustee of the Cth of Aust is completely incorrect – read it again – it establishes instead, that the territory are administered USING the UN trusteeship system.

5. ALSO you missed the vital piece of information in that same act – “The Australian Government” means His Majesty’s Government IN the Commonwealth of Australia. In that is the statutory name change for the Executive Government.

6. Your verbal statement that this Act made us citizens and not Imperial subjects, is incorrect. The act actually allows for 2 kinds of persona in Australia.

7. You verbally make a very dangerous interpretation when referring to the Acts Interpretation Act 1901. What you fail to understand is that act is a 20 December 2018 Compilation. 2018. A compilation is a combination of de jure acts, ie 1901 plus amendments up until 1973 AND amendments from AFTER 1973. That reference to the Territories comes from AFTER 1973.

8. You need to do a lot of research on UNIDROIT. That stands for the International Insitute for the Unification of Private Law. You should research Private Law as it is a VITAL part of the UN push for OWG. Whitlam brought in UNIDROIT which then gave UN Model Law AND Arbitration the force of law in Australia. He did that through the enactment of the International Arbitration Act 1974. Whitlam also brought the term Australian Government into parliamentary use. Refer back to point 5.

9. The Australia Act 1986, did NOT change our constitution in any way shape or form. Go and read it. The Act actually tells the Aust Govt it cannot touch or change it. In reality, the entire mess hinges on the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 – set in place 3 years before the UN’s official start and the same year Aust became one of the signatories for the formation of the UN. Our Constitution was simply set aside by Whitlam’s Australian Government and a duplicate version was created and enacted. The Australia Act – when not assumed but clearly word-by-word examined – gave the authority to the Australian Government to act independently of Britain. There was no referendum of the people involved – so it does not include the people. Our Constitution is indissoluble, so IF the people were not involved in the Australia Act and our Constitution is indissoluble, then it is and cannot be changed. But if you research Private Law, as documented in UNIDROIT, you will find that Private Law identifies a person’s right to enter into foreign agreements – so what Whitlam did with his Aust Govt, is get you and I to agree to drop one set of rules for another.

Sue Maynes
Furthermore – given your comments on flag jurisdiction in the second video, consider this –

1. When an act is enacted, it always starts by identifying the body that is enacting the legislation.

2. Constitutionally – from 1st January 1901 – every act was enacted using the expression – BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

3. So the Nationality & Citizenship Act was enacted constitutionally. 4. Let’s look at the Australia Act: The Parliament of Australia enacts: WHEREAS the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth and the Premiers of the States at conferences held in Canberra on 24 and 25 June 1982 and 21 June 1984 agreed on the taking of certain measures to bring constitutional arrangements affecting the Commonwealth and the States into conformity with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation: AND WHEREAS in pursuance of paragraph 51 (xxxviii) of the Constitution the Parliaments of all the States have requested the Parliament of the Commonwealth to enact an Act in the terms of this Act:t BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Queen, and the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows: Questions – understanding that this is a very legal document and has to be documented without any unknown identifications: What is the Parliament of Australia, given no such body is known in our Constitution? Who is the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, given we do not know what Commonwealth is referred to? What constitutional arrangements were being re-arranged? Parliament of what Commonwealth? Who is the Queen and what is she Queen of, as the expression ‘the Queen’ is unknown in a Constitutional enactment? How come the Commonwealth of Australia, is approving this structurally unidenfied document on behalf of an unknown Parliament? When did the people agree to the formation of two different Parliaments in the first place? Very clearly – this act was not created constitutionally and appears to be a subsidiary act for a body NOT of the people. Given that the Nationality & Citizenship Act legislatively identified the Australian Government, it appears the Parliament of Australia, belongs with it in some capacity – but what is vitally clear – is that neither of them ARE the Commonwealth of Australia, so BOTH of them are operating as some new form of governance. Now that new form of governance was NOT created in 1910, but it IS an administration as the Australian Government refers to itself as a “foreign government of political subdivisions.” Therefore – our rules, our Constitution are still alive and well. Dawn – it is all very well to discuss flag jurisdictions in your second video, but the basis of your work is based on errors and assumptions, especially when your interpretations establish you have no understanding of jurisdiction. I apologize if I am coming down too hard – but it is time people stopped just accepting someone’s unproven assumptions and learned facts. We are losing our country because we complain with the wrong facts!!!!!

waynebow 2018
Thank you for disclosing the facts. Australians have no idea of whats going on, and this explains everything. Here’s something else to look at… How the Queensland Government Stole our Democracy