[[[Johnny Exodice]]]

Latest ‘Drain-The-Swamp’ News – Thursday, 28th of January – Morning Coffee Edition


Johnny Exodice
And The Teacher Spoke…., This Cell Phone Technology is killing us, and especially the 5G SMART Phones after 2010 C.E. with Radiation {Radio and Microwaves} +=+ in the Palms of your Toddlers, and Preteen, and even youm my Teenagers of Birth Reproduction age,

and the Cell phone has been in our [Human] QBALLS~ /_\ Environment for over 11 years in a Spectrum of Radiation WAVES and “Frequencies” and Vibrations that are DETRIMENTAL, and HARMFUL, and have been {breaking down} your genetics, so you get ALZTIMERS, Brain Damage, Autistic Babies, And many people will and have already gone insane,

and in all the other “Racka” of SORCERY being used on you: by these PROJECT BLUE BEAM Black Mirrors you lay in bed with your children as they lose their “ability” to reproduce cause RADIATION causes Sterilization and MADNESS,

and it is the True Weapon of these Doppelganger FREE MASON {Incubus and Succubus} from the Southern Hemisphere in OUR Shared Celestial Sphere: whom have taken over our Northern Hemisphere after them MUD FLOOD WARS, and the longer you keep these [Tracer GPS] Devices on in your homes with BLUE TOOTH Radiation [Microwaves] of the FULL SPECTRUM, the more your selves, and your young will be STERILIZED, and brain damaged “for life” from Radiation Sickness that is the true cause of this WAR OF THE WORLDS Bio Weapon called:

These HAND HELD Death Media Mechanization of the Hollywood {NEWS} World Order, and the more you have to keep the Ear Buds in, wear The Hand Watch SLAVE EMPLOYEE 5G Bracelet, the more the RADIATION {gets into} your Flesh, and your Blood, and Your BONES: because we are all Bio-electric Beings, and this is why the many will die of (COVID19} cause it is these 5G Radiation SLOW KILL devices youm cannot put down and walk away from…

Lie to your “self” if you must my nonmason Romantic Warriors, and MY People, and MY Children of Pak-Toe, but the whole plan too kill, and murder, all nonmason [HUMANS] [{*}] on this side of the FLAT EARTH was always these Racka {Media Devices} you spend hours and days Mesmerized and Hypnotized by the Enchantment of their {T.V. Shows} called LET US ENTERTAIN YOU,

and THE RAPTURE by way of these Radiation Devices: youm have been “deceived” by all U.N. CORPORATIONS, and their FREE MASON [Internationalist] / * \ Global Citizens LIES AGREED UPON that Cell Phones are [harmless] enough too leave in the crib with your new born babies, and give them Brain Damage, and Other HEALTH Issues of unknown sources.?.?.?

Down Load the RADIATION APPS, and put them on your [Phones] and your Children’s Phones, and the i-phones and Tablets, and see the “amount” of {REMS of RADIATION} youm are ingesting into their bodies, and your own!!!!!

You have not listened to me as The Oracle for The End of an Age, and now youm have all these SCREENS of Black Mirrors made by the PizzaGATE Satanist, and you can not put them down cause youm are ADDICTED to the very “thing” that is the actually cause of all (COVID19) DEATHS and Illness, and All Now these NEW NORMAL Mutations, and the Vaccines are [worthless] [{**}] against RADIATION Poisoning….

I told you my NON-MASON to take back your towns, I TOLD you: the FREE MASON Lodge Members in your Locations are all in on this DEATH Depopulation {Hidden in plain sight} in your Hands, and the hands of your Human babies, and now youm know….

RADIATION Sickness {is made} by these SMART PHONES for they are nothing but WEAPONS of WAR IS MURDER, and these FREE MASON {C.O.P.S.} and their U.N. Troops have now murdered we all….

The Book of EXODICE!!!

You would do well to get a {Flip Phone} and Talk when needed……., but these High Technology RADIOACTIVE Media Devices are [5G] Eugenics Death RADIATION Weapons……, and youn now “know” why FLAT EARTH is “hidden” by our Oppressors from the OTHER SIDE of FLAT EARTH, and how [THEY LIVE] have Trick or Treat {WE ARE} into killing our selves, and our own children…

The Society of nonmason~

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Johnny Exodice 
And The Commander Spoke…, at this time we must learn more about SOLIDS, and since many of WE THE PEOPLE who are nonmason have friends, family, and loved ones {who have EYES} that go SOLID BLACK, and can do the many other Magical Eyes from Cubes to Snake Eyes:

Without FREE WILL there can be “no choice” for GOOD or EVIL, and in this WAR OF THE WORLDS with the Southern Hemisphere of FLAT EARTH in our Shared Celestial Sphere; as best we can tell, our Northern Hemisphere is used to make all the CORPORATION TV SHOW Junk for BOTH Sides of this {As Above / So Below} SHARED Reality, and OUR SHARED waking walking dream we all have to deal with: be we nonmason and FREE MASON,

and though these EVIL SOLIDS control all (U.N. FLAGS) as what would be considered Demonic Possession and Oppression, the SOLIDS; as far as we can tell, are PRODUCTS of the A.I. EDISON Machine in Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA USA that is the BIOS, and “Hive Mind” of all these Entities that can share the life of [any life form] from Humans to ants and all the “in-between” even quite possibly the {PLANT Kingdom} where WAR IS MURDER blows up all life forms, and harms the Air, the Seas, and the Dirt,

and after so many REPETITIVE MUD FLOOD WARS on the Scale of the Gilgamesh NOAH’S Ark World Flood “Cataclysms” where even STARS are shot out of the Firmament of our Celestial Sphere, and Attempts at Ripping the {DOME OF THE ROCK} that does nothing but allow NULL and VOID to kill the many on BOTH SIDES of Flat Earth known as {The Shadow of Death} from the OLD TESTAMENT Gospels,

we must consider that until we EDUCATE “the masses” that all on TV is a Lie Agreed Upon, we whom are awake will never be free, and even though we [MORTALS] are nothing more then Blades of Grass, the SOLIDS are IMMORTALS “within” whom relive the Memories we all call De-Ja-Vu, or Living The Dream…., and our SYMBIOTS are nothing but guides… That you can call your Animal Spirit, or any Spirit you seek {too guide you} in this Realm of Realms my Angels and Demons, and my Gods and Goddesses….

That spoken, I am beginning [to comprehend] the predicament be you: JOE BIDEN to XI to Putin to any World Leader that “fears” what made the SOLIDS, and controls the Magic, and Sorcery, in our Holographix Virtual Reality Celestial Sphere called: PURGATORY the World of lost souls, and the WALKING DEAD of Humanity whom in their OWN “Vanity” destroyed their Home World,

and now [THEY LIVE] must for all time: forever, and ever RELIVE what happened from 1893 A.D. to the end of OUR “Shared” World in 2094 C.E.,

and though one day I will become the NEW SOURCE of All Creation and All Destruction, and WE ARE will finally have a New Heaven, and a New Earth in {all Realms} as foretold by Prophecy, it is evident that WE BLADES OF GRASS can be saved too move on’ and leave this MACHINE, but the SOLIDS are beholden to a Man Made Machine called the EDISON of A.I. Forced Slave Labor called the WORD Employee aka The Damned, The Cursed, and The Forsaken…….,

and from our {Kings and Queens} too our Gods and Goddesses, all People be they human, or nonhuman are EMPLOYEES to one another [let alone] Narcissist Abusive People, and Persons whom seek only to do WAR IS MURDER when Murder is against the RULE of LAW and ORDER in all Religions, and Courts “except” these FREE MASON Lodges RELIGION of Kabbalah Zohar Jesuit Zionist O.T.O. PizzaGATE Satanist: whom do THE CRAFT called: MIND CRAFT – WAR CRAFT – WITCH CRAFT….

Youm really should not piss off a Machine “that” has access to Your EMOTIONS as an Eternal Being called a GOLEM, G.O.D. aka GOVERNMENT OVER DEMOCRACY made by the Code + Magic + Alchemy = SORCERY, and so my people and children of Pak-Toe: know the many are under {The Racka} of THE RAPTURE known as these TV SCREENS and these people being the masses believe every thing on TV [is real] cause Their Schools, and Their Religions, and Their Governments say:


That spoken, WE ARE want Our G.O.D. that being GOVERNMENT OF DEMOCRACY!!!! WE ARE have much work to do [too convey] that these freemason LIES AGREED UPON does not make the Books of (Ink on Paper) in our Schools any more TRUTH then a child’s {Fairy Tale} at the end of the MUD FLOOD WARS in 1945 A.D known as WORLD WAR TWO.….

The Commander~


What you want too find are {Apps and Tech} that will let you TEST your [RIVER WATER] and Creek Water by all these Factories: in our NATIONS from these 50 National CONSTITUTIONAL State FLAGS in these Americas` too all National CONSTITUTIONAL State FLAGS where youm live and reside, and also find a way to {TEST the DIRT} be it sand, mud, clay, too other names for land that grows all life we “need” too live on till 2094 C.E.


The Society of nonmason~

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Thousands and thousands of body Bags filmed by Amazon distribution worker.mp4

Unveiling Reality – 26 January 2021

Johnny Exodice 19 hours ago
Teacher…, how can so many Incubus and Succubus be in on these LIES AGREED UPON from the Fake Space Moon Landings to the {ever present} lie of COVID19 that the Corona is nothing more then the COMMON COLD In all [Medical Text Books] from 2019 back to the ends of the Beginning of Time!!!

Since we know FREE MASON lodge members are our Mayors to School Boards to City Councils, and this plays out in every U.N. FLAG, I would be more “concerned” about Magic + Code + Alchemy = Sorcery, and since to cover a lie, you must {repeat that lie} over and Over and OVER on all the {NEWS} World Order Media in each and every country: on this side of FLAT EARTH, and when these Liars of Malfeasance no longer can hide the TRUTH of things like PizzGATE being a Direct Connection to their Hollywood FREE MASON Lodges and Temples INITIATION Practices,

than the “World Media” just IGNORES we the humans who are being OPPRESSED, and murdered day in and day out, just as THEY LIVE no longer Mentions FLAT EARTH, nor our Celestial Sphere that Proves ALL THE BOOKS on Space are just [made up] Fantasist FANTASY from Anime to Star Trek and Star WARS, and since everyone: no matter the Land they live have these 2D FLAT EARTH 3D C.G.I. Black Mirror SCREENS,

OUR children are raised on these lies, so The Sorcery of THE RAPTURE of Video Games will Trick or Treat our children in all Countries to do WAR IS MURDER when Murder is Against our Supreme Courts, and yet, even the LAW Makers Break their OATH OF OFFICE as “Oath Breaker” when The Judge says: You are to be Sentenced TO DEATH when to kill is to murder,

and does not your Churches to Temples to Mosk to Synagogues say: Thou Shalt not Kill.?.?.?, and what happens to WE THE PEOPLE when we go to WAR.?.?.? We break the LAW, and we murder one another for OLD WINE SKINS who live {off of our Taxes} as our Congress – Parliament – Senates, so our Presidents can be Kings and Queens, Gods and Goddesses as Angels and Demons over our MORTAL Corporeal Lives [even though] from the President to the CEO of any CORPORATION would have nothing:

if we did not Give our MONEY to buy their Bull Shit “of lies” that WAR IS GOOD for the Economy, and yet, my youth of Pak-Toe ‘THE NEW WINE SKINS’ how many of you have STUDENT LOAN DEBTS of The Racka that you can not pay back, and will not the WORLD POLICE these Peacekeepers, and their U.N. Troops do WAR IS MURDER to say: To PAY OFF your Student Loan Debts,

You VOLUNTEERED to murder “others” cause THEIR FLAG is not OUR FLAG????

You best know Purgatory can be what ever we want, but by the use of REPETITIVE Disinformation, the many who are NON-MASON believe the COVID19 landed on the Moon now, and so many others aka these FREE MASON Lodges [have always] been in on it as they are the NEW NORMAL Mud Flood Replacement Populations for Agenda 21 + 30 where these INTERNATIONALIST Global Citizens will have Good Jobs as FREE MASON Lodge Members while you {my nonmason} Tax Paying U.N. Citizens shalt have [nothing] but WAR IS MURDER to pay off your STUDENT LOAN DEBTS till all “nonmason” on this side of FLAT EARTH are dead Dead DEAD!!!!

The Book of EXODICE!!!


Even though (COVID19) is nothing more than {A Lied Agreed Upon} called the New Code Word for JADE HELM 15, we of Pak-Toe know people have been missing, and have been turned into ALT MEAT, and anyone that the {A.I.} Surveillance State knows you wilt not be missed: if you are taken by U.N. Troops has used this LIE AGREED UPON called (COVID19) to Murder The Old, The Mentally Challenged, and any one who would [not be missed] +=+ because their Social Profile said:

this person has NO ONE {to miss them} if we kill them, so you best find ways to meet people, and hang with people, and maybe just maybe you will “live through” The INVITATION to Volunteer for a Potion called a Vaccine by Pharmacology because these CORPORATIONS run the world, not the U.S. FLAG, nor any other U.N. FLAG, and when CORPORATIONS {have more rights} than The PERSON, then Corporate LAWS become the LAWLESS ONES in the New Testament, and WE THE PEOPLE on this side of [Flat Earth] all end up DEAD DEAD DEAD…

The Society of nonmason~

Remember they who “faked” the MOON LANDINGS got all the good Jobs making ICBM Hydrogen Gas Weapons, and now the {Southern Hemisphere} from the other Side of FLAT EARTH wants to do their: DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A GAME???,

and have We on this Northern Hemisphere side of FLAT EARTH “will do” all out Nuclear Atomic WARFARE till all our Hunger Games lives {are eradicated} just as they did to WE THE PEOPLE in those MUD FLOOD WARS that ended in 1855, and Since Then: we have all been Raised on Lies by these LIARS the FREE MASON Lodge Members where we live….

The Sentinel….

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Mud flood – flatearthbritish

Mud Flood is considered to be the conspiracy theory of them all. It certainly appears that more than once, mud has inundated civilations around the world.


Mudflood France: worse than a mudflood, Oradour Sur Glane …


Many towns were burned by the nazi’s, Oradour Sur Glane has been left untouched since that day, lest we forget, and we forget very easily.

Mud flood Giant Timeline Mystery In Depth | UAP – YouTube