‘Les Ballets Roses’

PINK CodedA_dreno_chrome! AI_Court Document: Google A THREAT To HUMANITY!


McAllisterTV – 18 July 2020
See the two pictures at the end. Children wear ballet slippers & have their ankles cut so blood runs down.

Maud Sarr

Maud Sarr

Publié le Jeudi 17 Octobre 2013 à 08h27

‘La principale responsable de cette odieuse détention n’est autre que Maud Sarr, une prostituée qui avait défrayé la chronique dans les années 90 en révélant l’existence de prétendus ballets roses entre des politiques et des mineurs. Elle est aujourd’hui poursuivie devant le tribunal correctionnel de Marche pour séquestration et privation de soin. Le parquet réclame jusqu’à 2 ans ferme pour elle et son fils, qui auraient perçu la pension de la victime pendant sa séquestration.

Tous les détails sur cette affaire dans La Meuse Luxembourg de ce jeudi 17 octobre et dans notre édition numérique.’


‘The ‘Ballets Roses’ was a scandal that was publicized in 1959 in France. In a fashionable country house near Paris, belonging to the French Senate, a group of girls aged 15 to 17 performed “ballets” attended by prominent figures of the political and social worlds, notably, André Le Troquer, then president of the Senate. The performances ended in orgies’  http://www.ovguide.com/ballets-roses-9202a8c04000641f8000000006bc5bfe#

Pink Ballet (linked to Chateau Amerois)

‘The Pink Ballet is the choreographed build up to child sacrifice.

It can also refer to the dance of pretending to be normal and compassionate, which includes all the lies, dressing up, pretending and politics they go through to hide their true intents and natures.

Rumors about the sex parties, the so-called “Pink Ballets” (les Ballets Roses), have been rampant in Belgium for about two decades.

“Les Ballets Roses”/Pink Ballet is a Ritual that contains pedophile sex and human sacrifice like Baal and Moloch all as One.’

AanGirfan – ‘What do we learn from the story of Dutroux and Charleroi? We know that young girls disappeared from the Charleroi area and that the authorities could not be trusted. There was a lot of child abuse. There have been allegations that the security services were using young girls in order to control certain top people linked to NATO.

Michel Nihoul allegedly organised orgies in a Belgian chateau – orgies allegedly attended by a former European commissioner, judges, senior politicians, lawyers and policemen. Nihoul was reportedly one of the accomplices of Marc Dutroux.’  http://aangirfan.blogspot.co.uk/2010/03/pink-ballets-american-military-muriel.html

Parano Magazine – http://paranomagazine.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/ballets-tres-roses-pour-les-tenors-du.html

2 February 2016

Rita Ora and the VIP child-abuse connection


Comment:  ”I can totally back up what Ben Fellows says as I knew a man who said identical things a while back.
David Lambert who now runs a gay massage clinic, said he was lent out and abused including at Esther Rantzen’s party, where along with Vanessa Feltz, she held pervert parties, called pink ballets”

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