Even small children in Sweden understand that they are living in a dying nation


#angryforeigner #svpol
Why Sweden Doesn’t Like Me – or Why I Question Authority

  • One car fire becoming several car fires – Oh my goodness this exaggeration is becoming a problem!
  • You keep saying that discussing reality is bad for our economy?

GW: Cripes this slavic JubeTuber is a funny bloke. He’s ripping the Swedish Government to bits. My only reservation would be that he is a friend of Paul Joseph Watson.

The Genocide of Sweden by Final Call is prophetic.
This video will prove beyond all reasonable doubt that the government of Sweden is orchestrating the genocide of the native white Christian Swedish population.

Mello Yello says
The girl singing the national anthem in this video was Elin Krantz. Look up her story. Ironic as hell!
REAL CRIME: The Elin Krantz Case (NSFW)

grey580 (61)

Here’s the sad reality though, the 23-year-old man that raped and murdered Krantz was an immigrant from Africa to the united States via a marriage to an Ethiopian woman and then immigrated from Virginia to Sweden. Understand that while living in the US, Yohannes “was sentenced to 13 months and 11 days in prison for drunk driving, hit and run and provision of false testimonies. He whined that he’s being mistreated in the USA because he’s black and was granted refugee status in multiculturalism embracing Sweden. To thank Sweden for what she’d done for him, he raped and murdered one of her natives.”

occamsblock (25)
Cultural Marxism is the favored weapon of an evil shadow tribe.

(Re Barbara Lerner Spectre – the woman behind many of Sweden’s current problems)

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