EU begging countries to take in 115 African illegal alien invaders who are stranded on an Italian Coast Guard ship

30 July 2019

patrick doyle says
July 31, 2019
trudeau needs some more voters, elections coming up soon and he is not done with the virtue signalling yet

Aprilyn says
July 30, 2019
Try Japan, I hear they haven’t met their “Refuge” quota yet (EXTREME SARCASM; the Japanese are the ONLY sane ppl on this Refuge issue).

Linda Rivera says
July 31, 2019
Bonni, Japan is a civilized country! Japan is an OUTSTANDING role model to the entire world as to what leaders should be! Leaders who Care about, LOVE and PROTECT their own people!

God bless the Japanese!

BareNakedIslam says
July 31, 2019
And it is a much safer country with a very low crime rate. Or at least it was when I lived there.

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