The Damage Done by Third Wave Feminism – Mark Hunt

Today’s feminism teaches women to see themselves as victims and Men as Perverts, Bullies and Misogynists, says Natasha Devon

Earlier this year I was asked to present at a feminist society event in one of the UK’s largest and most prestigious universities. I espoused the view that I must be really lucky, because if recent feminist musings in the press and online are to be believed, misogyny is absolutely rife, yet I have very rarely encountered it.

The Damage Done by Women’s Liberation

I’ve had the odd blustering huffer-puffer over the years who has clearly thought himself superior, but I’ve always presumed that’s because of my comparative age and slightly avant garde fashion sense, rather than the simple fact of my vagina. (Whilst it isn’t right to form assumptions about someone based on these criteria, it does take the issue out of the realms of feminism.)

These instances have, however, been incredibly few and far between.

As for the men I regularly spend time with – my male colleagues and friends, boyfriend, dad, my three brothers and numerous uncles and cousins – they’ve never given me any cause to suspect they’re anything but pro-gender equality.

At the end of the session, one of the Society’s senior members said: “It’s great that you don’t think there’s any misogyny in your world, but I think if you talked to these men for long enough you’d find there were some pretty sinister ideas about women buried somewhere beneath the surface.”

In that moment, I suddenly realised why so many aspects of the modern feminist movement in Britain irritate me so much.

Don’t misunderstand, I’d consider myself a feminist and I’m all for structural changes which ensure equal treatment of the sexes – the types that are working to ensure we have an equal number of female MPs and laws to prevent female genital mutilation, for example.(But UK allows it!)

But cultural “feminist” changes, the types that insist lads mags, Page 3 and wolf-whistling are automatically offensive and should therefore be scrapped from the public consciousness, I have always struggled to comprehend.

For, at their crux is the notion that men are either genetically or socially conditioned to be evil. This explains why relatively harmless acts – an admiring glance, a whistle, a propensity for lads mags – are imbued with such weighty significance, often lazily labelled as “rapey”.

If a man looks at me, I infer he’s doing it for the exact same reason a woman would – because he finds me interesting to look at. If a man whistles at me, I take it as the compliment I believe it was intended to be.

If I see a man looking at a female glamour model, I suppose nothing more than he is looking at her because a naked woman is pretty much universally aesthetically pleasing.

I have always assumed that Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines transpired to be the most downloaded single of all time in the UK because it’s well produced and ridiculously catchy, not because huge swathes of the male population delight in the notion that men “know women want it” and use the lyrics as their life mantra. Call me naive if you must.


False Rape Cases Destroying Men’s Reputation, Careers while women Go Unpunished for Lies, Slander, Defamation


While we cannot approve of her Idea that Men should quit teaching as it only worsens the discourse in schools and colleges and perpetuates Feminist ideas Leading to future Generations Even more dysfunctional than the previous one due to Left/Liberal/Feminist indoctrination of children.

Leading to societies like Sweden, Germany where there are not many men ready to fight against islamic hordes who rape, assault , murder women/girls with impunity and police do not care because they would be called “racists” “Nazis” !

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