Gardai hunting gang who allegedly raped schoolgirl and sexually assaulted two others at beach in Wexford’s Courtown Harbour

Grand Torino
31 July 2019

Previous attacks with no descripti…

The Patriot
Sexual assaults going off the Richter scale, since our guests have been pouring in, and the lying media often refer to them as a Dublin man or a Cork man etc when they are actually foreign nationals

You can now see why it’s so important that the, so called, Irish government silences people like Gemma O’Doherty.

Fionn Una
​@Colin Kehoe & You Believe the Garda Don’t have a Description ???!!!!!! LOL…… It was in the Habour with CCTV.…… The Irish Media have No problem broadcasting Rapes when they are Irish people, but Hide All descriptions when they’re Foreign, & the Large Majorty ARE foreigners/Migrants doing the Raping (especially Gang rapes). I have a list as long as my Arm of the number of rapes around the Country that have NOT been Reported. I do Not believe the Garda don’t have a description……………….

Lesley Donnelly
I feel for Ireland, going the same way as the UK You’re not allowed to talk about it and you’re described as ‘far right’ by the media But it’s getting harder for them to shut people down because it’s off the scale so now they’ve resorted to locking people up on trumped up charges. With the exception of Anne Marie Waters and a few others the Politicians in the UK are just money and power whores to the globalists at the expense of ordinary people.

Lyte Talk 101
Garda won’t release a description? So other women can’t protect themselves from this gang! Garda say it’s a Leinster based gang? How would gardai know this? Direct provision centre opened up in that area…… Gonna be very hard to cover this stuff up on such a small island like ireland

Gentile Believer
Sounds like South Africa

T-Bone Shteak
that was the second time it happened in Avondale Park, the same was reported some months back.

Kiwihouse2005 B.
I have seen lots of videos of these attacks and they often attack those who appear weaker, they attack without warning and they are vicious (fists and feet flying in all directions). The only positive is that they are often not trained although they do however possess some street fighting skills. A training fighter, not caught off guard, could easily manage to destroy 5 or 6…..just my opinion. School children in Germany are being attacked by groups of muslim youths. Lots of videos can be seen on youtube although YouTube is constantly removing them (look at me play list “problems with islam”). It is not uncommon to see 4 plus muslim students attacking a single German student. I have personal knowledge of this!

caramba Murray
Don’t know if you mentioned, the police said as this is a sensitive issue they are giving no more information (which means no description despite being a manhunt!). Experience from the uk when you hear ‘sensitive issue’ you know why. Say no more.

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