TC Policy: Council homes for extremists – Part iii – What Council Homes? They’ve all been sold or re-developed!

When a government puts terrorists before their own people , and also ignore the 9,000 ex service men and women who sleep rough on our streets , it is time for a big change in leadership. In a few weeks time this traitorous government ,especially May , will have the nerve to lay wreaths on the cenotaphs, to remember all those millions of mainly young men , who gave their lives for freedom and democracy, these parasites should never be allowed to attend these services. They care more of the enemy within, who will eventually destroy this country.

Isn’t it marvelous. I know two middle aged single Englishmen in London who have been told that they simply do not qualify for local government housing.

If where they live has been found out do what Liverpool locals did when new housing was given to the boat people from Vietnam they broke their windows until they where moved and the locals got the housing who it was built for.

So this is the Government’s idea of encouraging people to go to university without getting into debt – take a gap year in Syria? Now let’s here the Home Office tell us crime does NOT pay….

Government rewarding their returning proxy terrorists? Exactly.

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