Yet Another Jeremy Hunt NHS crisis: Frontline staff numbers falling as managers rapidly rising, report says

The NHS is the British Leyland of the 21st Century, in the short term they would have enough money if they had efficient management. Look at a Trust phone book, and see how many Managers and departments the public think they could do without out ? They are all managers with MBAs and DMSs etc. People who can do spread sheets, a pareto analysis and gant charts etc. but don’t have a clue about managing anything, especially people ! No common sense or compassion !

john – > O B N W1d
Precisely ! Another way of stating this, as its an open secret, too many managers and not enough frontline staff. Spread sheets are pointless, because they cannot account for emergencies and bed blocking. The bb’s are caused by poorly financed support services, because the money is wasted too much on foreign aid !

Jobs for the boys comes first. Hats off to the Doctors Nurses cleaners and bottle washers who saved my life. Not one manager soiled his dainty fingers.

It used to be said, that there was more pen pushers in the MOD than there were soldiers boots on the ground. Well that is true now, of the MOD and the NHS. Since the late 60s, when three people (Matron, Hospital Steward and Physician Superintendent) ran a medium sized District General Hospital of their own, management and non jobs in the NHS have gone past critical mass and exploded. C Northcote Parkinson, in “Parkinson’s Law,” made it clear many decades ago, that the more managers you have, the less decisions are made, and the less effective the organisation becomes – his book was based in the MOD in the Navy at Portsmouth.

Added to the mess they have made of the Health Service is the mass immigration of people who are allowed to use the NHS, and the Positive Discrimination Directive from Brussels. Thanks to that Directive over 70% of Doctors in Scotland are young women of Child Bearing Age. Fine you say, but Employment Law also gives them the “Right,” to a year off to have the child, part time term time, or job sharing, or family friendly hours when they return. The result? They don’t want to work full time, or in the school holidays, so two Children’s Wards in Scotland close every school holidays. They don’t want unsocial hours, so they don’t want to be GPs. After 40 years with the same GP Practice, I have just been told that it will close its doors for good next March. The male GP is on his own now, and the majority of doctors being young mothers he can’t find a partner.

The NHS Achilles Heel, too many highly paid, non-medical managers with secretaries and assistants on huge remuneration packages, something repeatedly mentioned in these comments.

Jeremy Hunt painted a much different picture of the current NHS situation on political TV channels yesterday. He gave a masterclass in psychological evasion to the soft questioning by Andrew Marr and Robert Peston.

There is a Common Purpose to all this!

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