TC Policy council homes for extremists – Part ii

This is news? Most people knew that this would be the sort of outcome – and if the authorities say or do anything “wrong” during the resettlement process these nutters will become victims and receive one million pounds sterling as compensation which can be “invested” somewhere in the middle east.
I think that’s the process…

GW:  Hmmmm You are probably correct.

How about housing and jobs for our returning Servicemen and Women…ah no…the government’s decided the streets are good enough for them!

The moral cowardice of these politicians plumbs new depths.

Can you see where the influence is coming from. The E.U. wants lslamic terrorists in Britain. They encourage this by creating a attraction with free money and housing etc, while ignoring the British society’s demands. lt is all part of the E.U.’s agenda to destroy all of the British identity and way of life. The alarm bells should now be ringing when the Government gives priority over the enemy of our British society which are out to attack us. Just think about this one. Who is really the enemy of Britian. Look closer to what the enemy has done to our society. THE E.U. is dredged in guilt.

Off the plane at Heathrow or the ferry in Dover. Met by a couple smartly dressed city types working for that govt dept with a secret hq next to the Thames. Forcibly dragged round the corner, a quick ID check followed by a bullet to the back of the head and thrown into the nearest skip….. MI5 move off to meet the next one…. Crime novel in the waiting.

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