TC Policy council homes for extremists – Part i

Any person deciding to leave this Country to join the ISIS obviously have a dislike for the UK and for this reason they should lose British Citizenship and should not be allowed to return to this Country let alone be given priority for housing etc. The safety of our people should and must come first

Carolina moon – > drummerboy
totally agree but of course just. like everything else in this stupid country the good are ignored while the rotters get rewarded

keithgoodall – > Carolinamoon
So that’s okay then; when they rip us off over brexit and we lynch a few politicians; we can go straight to the front of the housing list?

Steve.J – > keithgoodall
Hope you’ve got a lot of rope Keith……

This insanity is now extremely worrying indeed, if any Government does this to its own tax paying citizens then they must pay a heavy price at the polls.

So our redundant soldiers with PTSD are not worthy of housing or help. God give me strength.

There should be no jihadis returning back to the UK under any circumstances, they should have their passports revoked and never allowed back. They could not be described as stateless as they have joined islamic state, and should stay there.

There is something fundamentally very wrong with our government. They are MAD, who is dreaming up this madness. The Government is being led by a load of PC, Snowflakes. If this is true and they go ahead with it. Then really could be blood on the streets of this once fantastic country. Why do these strange, twisted people who are thinking of doing this, want to ruin this country??

anthony70 – > Celtic British
Because they are all common purpose stooges who are committed to the Kalergi plan, even though it will eventually destroy us all.

Appears now that if you have served your country in the forces, you are behind terrorists, Nigerians, Afghans and any other migrants when it comes to getting social housing in our major English cities. A bit like getting a job at the BBC, sometimes when watching the BBC I think I am watching a South African TV channel. In my opinion the BBC License advert being a classic example of anti-white racism at the BBC.

Our servicemen and women are treated with contempt by those in authority once they are no longer of use to them. Yet, some treasonous maggot who decides to weasel their way back into our society after openly defying it and what we stand for, is given the red carpet straight to the top of the housing list and welfare services?

The discontent within British society at this appeasement is beginning to boil over, successive Governments are creating the environment for hard right-wing groups to flourish, yet it’s everyone else’s fault but theirs. Similar to allowing the exporting of manufacturing employment to China, then blame the unemployed for being out of work. The elitist chattering PC classes really are the ‘stupid’ ones.

GW:  Now hold on.  First one has to remind oneself that ISIS (Israel Secret Intel Service) is basically funded and run by our own side out of Turkey and probably Saudi Arabia and Is-ra-Hell. So it is a rather complex issue as to where these yooves were actually recruited and radicalised and whether they even know that they are working for the Spooks?  Then there’s the mercenaries who hire themselves out to anyone and are probably on the psychopathic spectrum anyway.

So let’s get this straight we have govt depts promoting equalities, justice & security that believe to de-radicalise you give people treats and privileges, disillusioned mu*lims suffering mental health who run off and come back after their jolly, pushed to the front to receive council houses paid for by taxpayers and front of queue with jobs.

Give one reason why anyone would vote conservative when we are forced to pay taxes to be treated differently to those who commit treason and criminal acts abroad and return untagged and avoid prison. So if you’re not an EU citizen or a mu*lim you must be a second class citizen, to get anywhere or listened to in the UK you must be foreign & poor or just seriously rich, hardworking taxpayers are told to shut up and pay up and let people live amongst us and integrate back in society with law-abiding citizens but what next time they are not happy, what happens then?

Thunderbird 2
Don’t let jihadis back in the UK’ warns Briton who battled ISIS
Letting Isl am ic St ate jih adi s return to the UK is like “inviting the wolf to dinner”, a Briton fighting against the mur der ous group has warned.

As someone who has been out here and seen what the Isl am ic Sta te is like on the ground and what they have done to the people – this is a wake-up call and a wa rn ing to Britain.

These are individuals who have had every opportunity to live a normal, happy life in Britain, America, France and other places.
Yet they’ve basically sp at in the face of everything that we hold dear – our democracy, our shared values of secularism and multiculturalism.
“They have gone to Syria to bu tch er, m ur der and ra pe people, to sell people into se xu al sla very, and they te ar up their passports as an act of de fi once.”

Unbelievable, now they are Rewarding Terrorism,

Ermintrude2 – > White Owl
I think the tide might finally have turned. Her time is up like never before. Enough is enough..  They will be seeing us, the quiet Conservatives on the streets

GW:  What about us – the ”non-violent” ones who just object to the TC point of view?  Remember that David Cameron mentality? “Either you’re with us or with the terrorists” & ”those who believe 9/11 was an inside job & a Jewish plot or that the 7/7 event was staged” – well he conflated all of those into a ”problem” that the TCs had to ”deal with”.

David Cameron’s UN Speech on ISIL, ‘Jewish plot’, Assad, Iran

Surely if ISIS was the enemy then but now some of its members are being rewarded for their role in the ME, then we ”non-violent” extremists are also entitled to a ”reward” under this new TC ”amnesty”  for those named by DC during that UN Speech. Hold on as well, didn’t DC say in that same speech, that ”hate preachers” should be banned from entering the UK?  Yet now the TCs are welcoming ISIS back with open arms????  Right Hand doesn’t know what the Left Hand is doing does it TeasMade.  And where’s my reward for being a ”non-violent extremist?”  And can we please stop talking about Winestain?

Hootsmon – > Carolinamoon
What I don’t get is Why Now?

Weinstein is a cog in a massive Holywood machine which has been participating in this ‘casting couch’ attitude since the 1920’s.

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