”We’re Revels” says Clegg – Part iv


PM May has no chance has she? So much dissent, traitors, non-democrats in the country causing chaos, division and confusion for own personal gains. If it’s not these three planks it’s Abbott screaming for ECHR post BREXIT, or Corbyn selling his soul to the Devil doing and saying anything to get into power.  Or there must be absolutely kilometres of Video Footage in the vaults @HSBC that’s all GW can say!

Look at these three.

Clegg, comes last in every Political competition he enters, the man the public have the least faith in as any type of leader, lost his constituency to a 21 yr old kid in the local elections but still commands prime time media lambasting us how stupid we are and now publicly seen holding his own BREXIT talks. Clarke, this old Fossil should be on Blue Planet 2 as part of the 3-billion year old Coral reef. Previously received three separate fundings for Chair, Vice-Chair and President of three UK stationed Pro-EU focus groups, it goes way beyond vested interests. Lord Adonis, name is on several banking boards and shareholdings with companies heavily dependant on close ties with the EU.

I’m not suggesting we do a Ghana and take the lot of them out but like Guy Fawkes these three are doing major harm to the UK and should be tried and sentenced as traitors, forced to pack up their entire families and exiled to Brussels with no passport back.

No 1, Just take a look at traitorous Clegg, an anti British snake, an anti British snake at that, he has Germany controlled EU running through him like a stick of seaside rock, of Russian Dutch ancestry, he and his Spanish, an ”expert on EU law,” own property in Spain and the UK, both receiving pay from their beloved German controlled

RKalergi – > Breaking Glass
Surely Clegg owes Soros?  SoreAss has apparently had a massive heart attack. 

Why would Barnier agree to meet these three people if not to discuss Brexit, and why do they need to know how the talks are progressing if not to attempt to sabotage them? Are they the ones who are leaking our strategy over Brexit to the EU and the Press? Why did Nick Clegg, no longer an MP, and his company organise this meeting? This all smacks of treachery.

Wonder what would have happened in Cromwell’s day. They would not have dared do it me thinks. They must have a hell of a lot to lose from their bank balance.

Nick Clegg is a failed political leader, Ken Clark is a wine swilling cigar smoking politician and now should be sacked and as for Lord ”Adonoise” he is just a mouth piece for Tony Blair.  It’s like a modern day Gunpowder Plot

So the BRC (British Resistance Chumps) Cleggy, Foggy Clarke and Lord Compo have a meaningless tea-party with Rene Barnier somewhere in Belgium to catch up on how Brexit is going. This is news apparently.

What we really need to be asking, is why our Prime Minister is not protesting and threatening to end talks if Barnier openly colludes with known Brexit saboteurs. Could it be that it suits our government nicely to allow such behaviour, because they don’t want Brexit either? Next we’ll have Soubry, Morgan and er from Guyana giving us the vee sign as they board the plane and saying they are talking to Barnier about fashion!

I would imagine that the EU-mafia have enough on their plate, rather than to entertain the 3 stooges. In any event, this visit is not going to lead to a repeat performance. Corbyn’s last foray was a damp sqib! Barnier is truly worried about his career – not joking and being side tracked by the 3 stooges.

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