The Pole Shift Has Begun

The-Pole-Shift-Has-Begun“One thing we do have the answer to already is that scientists, and most likely politicians as well, are worried. Cash strapped, austerity driven Europe would not be spending tens of millions of dollars putting three satellites into space if they weren’t.

This is a situation we can do nothing about. Governments around the world know it’s started, but once again they say nothing. They give no advice about preparing for the future.

The magnetic field has been diminishing for years, and as time moves on the speed of that reduction increases.

Magnetic field strength is directly related to ozone

Holes in the ozone allow warming of the oceans in those regions to occur. Warmer oceans regions allow more precipitation and larger hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons to form.

All this crap we hear about climate change, the explanations about why some areas are experiencing warm seas and rising sea levels; it’s not climate change, it’s the start of magnetic pole shift.

Governments cannot admit this because there’s nothing they can do about it. Instead, they sell global warming in a miserable attempt to mitigate some of the changes that are already happening.”

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