UK Column News 30 November 2015

ukc 30 november 2015 - 21 Century Wire

ukc 30 november 2015 - ClimateChange Chug Paris
The current ClimateChange Chug in Paris is being supported by a “cover all bases” social media operation.

ukc 30 november 2015 - ClimateChange Meet 50000 attend for 2 wks
ClimateChange Meeting attended by 50000 and is lasting 2 wks – at enormous expense! Haven’t they heard of video conference?

ukc 30 november 2015 - ClimateChange Meet 50000 attend for 2 wks
ClimateChange Agenda will be used to bring in global government.

ukc 30 november 2015 - RT Covered Dont Bomb Syria Demo
RT Covered the recent Don’t Bomb Syria Demo.

ukc 30 november 2015 - Tgraph poo poos Corbyn online poll yet ugov was used in recent election
Tgraph poo poos Corbyn’s online poll yet “YouGov” online polls were used in the recent election and were believed.  Their website states – “YouGov tells you what the world thinks”

ukc 30 november 2015 - wes streeting not in favour at ukc
Wes Streeting fails to make finals of “MP of the Month” at UK Column.

ukc 30 november 2015 - where is the evidence

ukc 30 november 2015 - Wind and Solar dont deliver when needed
Wind and Solar fail to deliver appropriate energy when needed according to developing countries.

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