The argument for intervening in Syria is strong – but not strong enough – Wes Streeting

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GR Comment:  “Nice to see one Labour MP, especially from the “moderniser” wing, using his critical faculties to arrive at a reasoned decision over whether to bomb Syria. Wes Streeting is a good bloke. I, like lots of other members from across East London, helped him campaign to win Ilford North, one of Labour’s few gains. And, while I don’t agree with all his views, I found him to be very genuine and thoughtful, not merely repeating rhetoric or just saying what he thinks most people want to hear. Such a contrast to Chuka Umunna, who always seems so contrived and whose opinion on whether to strike Syria seemed to come straight out of Tony Blair’s playbook. If anyone has the capacity to lead the party it is Streeting, although I deeply hope Corbyn will be able to carry on.”

GR Comment:Assad’s cousin was speaking on LBC radio last week. He agreed Assad should eventually step aside and explained that there was not one credible leader among any of the rebel groups that could unite the country. He also said that all these groups were all terrorists themselves. The message being be careful what you wish for.

I was listening to the German defence minister in October. The reporter asked , why the West didn’t adequately train the friendly rebels to overthrow Assad? The answer was that they could not find a rebel group that was big enough, friendly enough and reliable enough to train and arm.

An even bigger joke was watching the UK Government political analysts , on BBC parliament, discussing options on Syria. It’s quite frightening to think these idiots have an influence on the foreign policy on this country. The key message again when asked why the UK and USA had been so ineffective against Assad the answer was that the rebels they were are arming were too small in number, too unreliable with many defecting. So we can safely assume that the 70,000 friendly rebels in the FSA is pure fantasy.

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