Cameron Starring As “The Incredible Sulk”

Apparently Dave’s “Flashman” is back after a brief flirtation with a calmer persona for 2014.

GR Comment:  “He is only comfortable amongst his own, he came to Liverpool last week and had his arse served to him by a local radio reporter when he tried to justify the draconian cuts in subsidy to Liverpool City Council was back down the M6 whimpering like the Southern sissy that he is.”

Comment:  “The incredible Hulk? Hardly! Too wimpy for that. What about The Incredible Skulk in memory of his Skulking with his toff pals at Eton and Oxford and now at Downing Street. The Incredible Skulk seems closer to the mark. ”

Even Veteran Tory Bill Cash Has Been Flashmanned!

“The co-ordinated, increasingly personal offensive against Miliband by senior Cabinet Ministers including George Osborne, William Hague and Michael Gove unintentionally reveals that the Tory High Command fears its commander-in-chief suffered a dangerous, potentially fatal, blow.

Dave Flashman’s arrogance is an Achilles’ heel.”

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