“Dad Can I Have £45 Mill To Set Up A Free School?” – “Yea Go On Son But Don’t Tell The Tax Payers Will You”

Anger over new £45m free school that may be Britain’s most expensive

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/exclusive-anger-over-new-free-school-that-may-be-be-britains-mostexpensive-9222364.html And that’s just the carpets!

Comment:  “Why then, does my MP think that the TTIP is a good thing? Even IF we get rid of the dreaded Investor-State Dispute Settlement clause, which I think is a red herring, Corporations will still own ALL our public service rights? Imagine all our taxes to corporations across the country every year?
“A US/EU deal will see the world’s two biggest economies in a neo-liberal pact with the additional stated aim of gradually levering the rest of world into this agreement, achieving, in effect, the global corporation rights which Doha failed to achieve.
Public procurement (all government spending, including public services) is a big part of the global trade agenda. Corporations want rights, via trade agreements, to access public procurement bidding processes in as many service sectors and geographic areas as possible.”

Comment:  “a huge offshore banking and money-laundering haven for tax-dodgers and large-scale criminals, and a poverty-ridden sinkhole for everyone else.

Have you looked around lately? The country is exactly that now! This country is the biggest OFF SHORE tax haven to non-doms and foreign countries. Brought about by EU legislation, the TTIP will take even more from the common man, even their democracy and sovereignty. This is a deal to ‘SELL-OFF all public service rights, to foreign corporations?
“Service commitments inherently invoke certain rules: that transnational corporations must be treated at least as well as domestic companies i.e. domestic companies cannot be preferred (National Treatment rule) and that there is no limit on either the number of services that companies may offer in that sector or the number of firms that can come in (Market Access rule). This is supposedly to provide a level playing field, but actually, once allowed in, transnational corporations have inherent advantages in bidding, in respect of size and economies of scale, international access to credit, cheap labour, etc. The playing field is far from level.” As all three want it?”

Comment:  Whatever Cameron & Clegg dream up to damage Labours prospects at the General Election in 2015, it is an indisputable FACT that:


The Tories are not ‘paying down the debt’, that is a LIE they are making the rich ultra wealthy at the expense of the workers and the poor!

Austerity is not being imposed by the Tory Coalition to achieve economic improvement. Austerity IS the goal, in order to tear down 60 years of social security for all.

They have used the global banking crisis as a disguise for ideological cuts, aided and abetted by the Liberal Democrats , ideologically driven cuts and mass privatisation including of the NHS.

The government’s own ‘Office for Budget Responsibility’ the OBR for short, laid bare an important fact– that any economic recovery is “despite the Coalition and not because of them”.   Tories continue to claim that “austerity is working!”  But the Chairman of the OBR, Robert Chote said:

“Looking over the forecast as a whole – net trade makes very little contribution and government spending cuts act as a drag.”

The electorate, especially those at the bottom can only be kicked in the teeth so far!

Even the most cowed and badly beaten dog will eventually bite back…

The Tories and LIbTories are dead meat in 2015!

Comment:  “Meanwhile over on the Mail site there is a story that Cameron has decided to postpone the Queen’s Speech and state opening of Parliament “because he has run out of policies”. In other words he hasn’t enough junk ideas left to fill a speech. According to the Mail, this “lack of policies has created a ‘zombie Parliament’, with most MPs attending Parliament for just a couple of days a week, and the Queen’s Speech being pushed back while Ministers think of ideas to fill it.”

He also seems to be acting like an ill-mannered brat. His “Flashman” side is showing again, as it tends to when the pressure is on and he begins to panic. It seems the only person not consulted about the sudden change in the date of the Queen’s Speech was the Queen herself. As Chris Bryant said: “This may be a zombie Parliament, but even the undead normally show better manners.”

Thanks to NLAT for the link.

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