News Surfaces Of A Planned Fake Al Qaeda Attack In Syria To Justify Invasion


Tayip Erdogan Turkish PM – talked of pulling False Flag.

“The audio tape was posted to Youtube on March 27 2014.”

“As previously mentioned in this diary, the Turkish government banned YouTube today, one week after it banned Twitter in the face of mounting corruption evidence against Prime Minister Erdogan’s government, much of it posted on YouTube and spread on social media.

But the YouTube posts that resulted in the massive video sharing website being blocked in Turkey had little to do with

John Kerry screen-shot-2012-09-29-at-8-25-30-pm

John Kerry who previously ‘took Tea’ with Assad now asking Turkey to help get that invasion of Syria underway.

the prime minister cavorting with mistresses or accepting bribes.

Instead, it was a recording of a meeting in Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s office which included intelligence chief Hakan Fidan, army deputy chief of staff Yasar Guler, and Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu.

In the meeting, the four discuss conducting a false flag attack–blamed on Al Qaeda–in order to

Suleyman Shah Tomb

Suleyman Shah Tomb – the intended target. Pic Daily Kos.

justify war with Syria.

The conversation revealed that John Kerry had been pressing Davutoglu to strike Syria.”

Media Buries Bombshell Turkey False Flag Attack

UTube Audio Tape Link

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