‘Blow the Windy Morning – Blow the Wind I-Oh’

Crane on Cabinet Office

Crane on Cabinet Screenshot

And it sure did  in the UK today!  So much so that a crane blew onto the Cabinet Office according to the ConstructionEnquirer.  Is that good news or bad news?  Bad news probably in that we will now all have to pay for the repairs to it.

Clegg apparently tweeted about the CraneFall but GovWatch felt an independent construction confirmation was necessary as let’s face it, can anyone EVER believe a FibDem?


Some hardier Brits forsook their morning commute and ‘took to the surf’ like the Aussies would have while schoolchildren may have encountered new obstacles during their journey to school.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24699748 

Unfortunately there were also some fatalities due to flying debris and falling trees including one death in Lower High Street, Watford.

Brits take to the Surf

Brits take to the surf. Pic Courtesy BBC.

School Obstacle Course

School Journey Hampered.  BBC.

Faustus perform  – Blow the Windy Morning –


Those ‘into numerology’ might be examining the date a bit in that we have 28/10/13.

Allotmenteers are out ‘checking their sheds’.

Looking forward to UK Column weather report – should be interesting.

This entry was posted in Allotments, Art and Artists, BBC, Bloggers Having Their Say, Climate and Coronal Holes, Energy and Climate, Money Matters, Psychopaths, SkyWatch, TwitterNews, UK Column, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Watford Green Party, What's Happening in Herts and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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