Left Wing Poetry By Attila the Stockbroker

Bonfire of Austerity 5 Nov 2013

Bonfire of Austerity 5 November 2013.

Tony Ordering tea.

Tony Blair Ordering tea and bombs at Claridges.


I’m sitting at Guy Fawkes’ table
The day Parliament voted for war
Though the mass of the people oppose it
And it flouts international law
I’m sitting at Guy Fawkes’ table
While American thugs flaunt their power
Egged on by a sad little muppet
And his craven and cowardly shower.  CHORUS

Aneurin Bevan, your party is dead
And the time for a new one is nigh
Will the last person Left please turn out the lights?
New Labour, just fuck off and die.

They won’t be caught up in the carnage
They’ll be pontificating right here
Their kids won’t be Iraqi conscripts
Mowed down while they’re shitting with fear
Saddam was the yanks’ chosen ally
On a whim, they now say he must fall
So they’ll carpet bomb defenceless ground troops
But that’s not ‘mass destruction’ at all…  CHORUS

Jezebel 1 Osborne

OZborne the Jezebel.

I’m sitting at Guy Fawkes’ table
As Bush and his muppet connive
And I’m filled with unspeakable anger
And I’m thinking of 1605
One message, Dishonourable Members
Who endorsed an illegal attack –
No, I don’t want to bomb you like Guy did
But I’d love to send you to Iraq.  CHORUS

We need a new socialist party –
But not the Judean People’s Front
Not another small sect, but a movement
With the power to change and confront
We need an electoral system
Which gives every voter a voice
‘Cos we’re fed up with voting for traitors
And we have the right to a choice!

CHORUS  http://www.attilathestockbroker.com/poems.html


Attila the Stockbroker

Hi there NLAT.

I didn’t think you knew about this place.  Is that your muffin or mine? 

What’s in my cup?  Never mind.  I’ll tell yer later.


This entry was posted in Art and Artists, Banksters, Bilderbergers, Blair Blah Blah, Bloggers Having Their Say, Boris Johnson, Bullingdon Bureaucrats, Cockroaches, Collective Action, Conservative Party, Death Dealers, Economy Train Wreck, Election 2015, FibDems, Frequencies Resonating, Getting Away With Murder, How to Identify Tories, Ideas For Gove's Education Autumn Roadshow, Labour Party, Lightwork, Magma Carta 2015, Men of Non-Business, Money Matters, NHA Party, NHS, Osborneomics, People's Assembly, Psychopaths, Rebellious Media, Spin Spin Spin, Stop the War Coalition, Syria, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Tory Party 2015 General Election Team, Truth Movement, Uncategorized, Various Suspicious Operations, War Mongering, Watford Coalition of Resistance and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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