‘Cosy’ Relationships Between No 10 and Energy Giants and ‘Winter Warmers’ For ConDem Christmas Stockings

Green MP Caroline Lucas said: “It’s simply wrong for the fossil fuel giants to have such cosy relationships with government departments. These companies are lobbying the Government on issues such as Arctic drilling at a time when we urgently need to be reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.”’

Chief Exec Energy UK

Lobbyster Angela Knight

‘The chief executive of Energy UK, which represents energy providers and suppliers, is former Conservative MP Angela Knight, who spent much of the financial crisis fighting on behalf of the City as head of the British Bankers Association. She has warned of rising prices and power shortages if Mr Miliband goes ahead with his plan for a 20-month price freeze.’

GovWatch:  Where you’re goin Angela, it will always be warm…


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