Kenya Aquifers Discovered in Turkana Region

Aquifer in Turkana Kenya BBC

Aquifer in Turkana Kenya – BBC.
Who owns this water or is it a human right?

The wars over water?

April 17 2013

AmericanLiveWire reports:

‘Do you believe water is a basic human right? According to Nestlé CEO water is a foodstuff that should be privatized, not a human right. Nestlé CEO Peter Brabeck says that with the global population rising water is not a public right, but a resource that should be managed by businessmen.’

Video featuring Mr Brabeck in 2005

18 April 2013

Mr Brabeck -Letmathe clarifies his position here

Huff Puff Huff Puff Huff Puff.…. Lawks-a-Mercy what IS it?  Mountain climbing you say?


28 September 2013

NYAMBEGA GISESA reports from Kenya that
‘Every afternoon from 3pm, a procession of posh cars with tinted windows delivers an average of 70 ‘worshipful brothers’ — many of them prominent Nairobians — to the Masonic temple located off Nyerere Road.’

Traditionally, it seems that Africans have been rather skeptical about Freemasons‘in 1999 hundreds of supposed Mungiki members unsuccessfully attempted to set on fire the Nairobi Masonic temple claiming that it housed satanic and demonic materials. One of the then Mungiki leaders Ndura Waruinge claimed that they were targeting “a snake which is fed on human blood drawn from children kidnapped by Freemasons.”’

‘In the East African Region, there are 48 lodges, out of which 34 are in Kenya. Other than the Freemason hall in Nairobi, they have temples or halls in Nakuru, Ruiru, Naivasha, Eldoret, Kitale, Kericho, Kisumu, Nyeri and Mombasa.

Conditions for entry include being over 21 years old, believing in a supreme being and being “financially stable”.’

This entry was posted in Africa, Agenda 21, Anti Globalist, Banksters, BBC, Big Business and Mineral Wealth, Bilderbergers, Blair Blah Blah, Collective Action, DAVOS, Depopulation Techniques, Drugs Just Another Elite Weapon/Control Mechanism, Election 2015, Elite Party Places, False Flags, Freemasonry, G20, G8, Getting Away With Murder, How to Identify Tories, Independent Media, Lightwork, Lobbysters, Mi5, Mi6, Money Matters, MOSSAD, Nestlé, Nudge Technique Social Change Agents, People's Assembly, Privatisation, Psychopaths, Social Engineering, Special Spying Service, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Tory Party 2015 General Election Team, Truth Movement, TwitterNews, Uncategorized, Various Suspicious Operations, War Mongering, Water Wars, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Zionists and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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