Cameron Cries Into His Hankie About Missing That Syria Vote At the HET Dinner

Camerons Bags Under Eyes

Cameron with Bags Under Eyes. Cameo has had a Right eyeful somehow???  Six Cameo? Is that all the casualties there were?

UK Column 18 Sept 2013

It looks as if Cameo hasn’t had enough sleep since that Syria vote.  He sure seems techy says UK Column.  Two days ago Cameo relived his Holocaust moment – ie the Syria NO vote – with some sympathizers at the HET dinner.  ‘I saw the full horror of it in the House of Commons lobby’ he said.  ‘Gove went berserk with an axe … and …  and … and … Sob …. Sob …. Sob…. ‘ The whole Holocaustified audience cried so much it was reminescent of the Biblical Flood.  They had to mop up the mess with £10 notes.  A bit of Christian balance please –  Cameo is mostly doing ‘divide and rule’ for his masters.

Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell

Staying with the Biblical, David Attenborough says that Man is a ‘plague on the Earth’ however he doesn’t go further to what he’s thinking we should do.  Mike Robinson looks more closely at Ethiopia and finds that it is not a dust bowl as Attenborough implies.  Robinson says why won’t the ptb let Africa develop?

Straw Haunted

Straw Haunted – Pic DM.

Blair again£2 Mill hush money for torture victim handed over by the Blair Regime.

The stresses and strains of being in that Westminster bubble.  I don’t know.  Has Straw, like Blair moved on from haunted to haunting?

This entry was posted in Africa, Anti Globalist, Austerity Kills, Banksters, BBC, Bilderbergers, Blair Blah Blah, Bloggers Having Their Say, Bradbury Pound, Bring Back the Bradbury, Bullingdon Bureaucrats, Conservative Party, Daily Mail, David Cameron, Depopulation Techniques, Economy Train Wreck, Election 2015, Energy and Climate, FibDems, Fracking, Garrulous Gove, Getting Away With Murder, GM Foods, Greenback and Bradbury Pound - Sovereign Nation issues own currency, Guardian, How to Identify Tories, Ideas For Gove's Education Autumn Roadshow, Independent Media, KONP, Lightwork, Magma Carta 2015, Money Matters, Monsanto, Natural Health, Nestlé, NHS, NLP, Presstitutes, Privatisation, Royals, Social Engineering, Spin Spin Spin, SuspiciousObservers, Syria, The 'Quisling Plan For Change', The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Tory Party 2015 General Election Team, Truth Movement, UK Column, Uncategorized, Various Suspicious Operations, War Mongering, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Zionists and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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