Latest Talking Point UK PLC

Shit Hitting Fan – Expect Dave to Get Splashed Any Second.

Here she is – UK’s answer to US’s Sarah Palin. Give it up for Molly Prince …… Workfare Queen. This lady lives in Worsley Manchester in £1/2 million home. Remind you of one Emma Harrison at A4E?

Cooer, she’s even got a book out!

Cameron’s Other ‘Get Rich Quick Gal’ – Emma Harrison of A4E Fame.


Without wanting to wish ill on anyone, a fire at an Olympic venue could be a pretty awful incident but perfectly sums up what this country has become under these neo-con reptiles.

Just imagine: fire breaks out in a crowded, multi-storey venue; the panicking crowd quickly overwhelm the sparse numbers of casual, poorly equipped and untrained Workfare “wardens”; the LFB struggle to get through the traffic congestion (LOCOG aren’t bothered about this- too difficult and expensive and besides, they and their corporate cronies are whisked along in special “Zil Lanes”); the fire appliances try to use the Zil Lanes, but get caught up too; people are trapped on the upper floors by the time the LFB arrive on scene; they call for an Aerial Ladder Platform to effect a rescue and fight the fire; unfortunately, they are told none are available because Boris’s privatisation agenda means that Asset Co. who now own and “maintain” all LFB equipment and appliances, haven’t managed to service the ALPs to ensure that one is available to the East End; the one left serviceable has been kept in the City because of the concentration of wealth and highrise office blocks; what happens next? Work it out.

Welcome to Tea-Party Britain’s Olympics.

Second PiecePolice getting into the fray

I received “training” from CP UK a few years ago.
Let me start by saying the
Company is a joke! I Enrolled on a close protection (CP) course as unfortunately the SIA do not deem the Royal Military Police Close Protection unit; where I qualified as worthy of there qualification yet the foreign and commonwealth office were quite happy for me to deploy to various embassy’s around the world. Anyway to gain my civilian SIA badge I had to attend an SIA recognised training programme for a 3-4 day course paid for by the MoD.
I arrived at a tired out former shop on a back street in Hindley Wigan First impression was not a good one and I thought things can only get better!!
I was ushered to a small make shift class room on the first floor to be greeted by the instructor (more about them later) who introduced himself as a right hard tw@t (no joke)! Also in the class
room were other students who had paid upwards of £2000 for a full CP course lasting in the region of 2 weeks. There was a pretty even split in the room half were pumped up tough guys bored of working the doors and the other half job seekers on some kind of a grant paid by the government.
My course began by the instructor asking my previous qualification (which made him look silly) before sending me out with four other students to teach them how to do a reconnaissance visit. Not correct me if I am wrong but surely that was his job!!
Each venue I visited were aware of the company. One such venue was the Lowry hotel in Manchester. I spoke with the head of security t the hotel who was well are of the company and Molly Prince. In his words he told me “you seem like a nice fella who knows the job, if I were you I would get the hell away from that company and if Molly Prince turns up here with here doormen again pushing our customers out of lifts etc I will bar the company from using this hotel for good!!

And so this went on…
On the final day Prince ordered a range rover be hired as she would be a VIP for the evening while the students were put through the paces and tested. She was driven around Manchester with a friend and a team of body guards (students/doormen). She shopped in the town centre before being driven back to the 5* Lowry where she changed.
Her and her friend were then taken back in to Manchester where she went on the p!ss until the small hours before being driven back.

That was the final test for the students CPUK now sanctioned them as CP operators worthy of an SIA badge! Better still Prince enjoyed a night out costing thousands all paid for by the students fees!!

I honestly can’t believe this outfit is still running, and am even more shocked they are contemplating allowing them to provide staff for the Olympics.

What a joke !!!

HeHO, the rabbit hole goes deeper.  These people underpin Tomorrow’s People and CPUK and probably make a huge amount from Government contracts.  Just how many times is the UK Taxpayer paying for stuff that used to be done by local authority and Government Departments

Prospects Services Ltd -wholly owned by the employees.

Corporate Head Office, Prospects House, 19 Elmfield Rd, Bromley, Greater London BR1 1LT 020 8315 1500

Why not read it all in The Independent,m28-for-gbp-399,950-ref-1191801/

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