Tag Archives: the prize goes to a Timberlake Allotmenteer who was packing a Small Webbing Haversack in which was a bottle of Blackberry Vodka and 4 shot glasses.

Farm Terrace Allotments Victory Celebrations On The One Show 13 November 2014

http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04nvg69 The Celebratipn Party was so that Farm Terrace Allotment Holders could say a sincere thankyou to the team at “Deighton Pierce Glynn” ie Adum Hundt Jason Coppel QC and Hannah Slarks who worked for 3 solid months to achieve … Continue reading

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Posted in BBC, Bloggers Having Their Say, Collective Action, Community Action Watford, Dorothy 'Red Shoes' Thornhill, Election 2015, FibDems, Frequencies Resonating, Green Party Watford, Labour Party, Lightwork, Save Farm Terrace Allotments, Save Farm Terrace Allotments from becoming High Density Housing, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Truth Movement, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Watford Council, Watford Green Party, What's Happening in Herts | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment