Farm Terrace Allotments Victory Celebrations On The One Show 13 November 2014

The One Show 13 Nov 2014 FT

The One Show – BBC.

The Celebratipn Party was so that Farm Terrace Allotment Holders could say a sincere thankyou to the team at “Deighton Pierce Glynn” ie Adum Hundt Jason Coppel QC and Hannah Slarks who worked for 3 solid months to achieve the victory.

And the Lord said ‘Let there be light’ and so it happened but rather sooner than the BBC camerman had wanted at “The Terrace” last night.  Unfortunately one member of “The Terrace Community” had not heard the BBC instructions.  So the fire certainly went up with a roar and flames were leaping eight feet into the air, casting an orange and yellow glow for a diameter of about 12 feet.

The preparations had started at 3pm.  The bonfire builders, the pic-nic crew, the lantern bearers and the BBQ Chefs slowly transformed a concrete access road into a fairy light pathway, and the grassy knoll with a portacabin kitchen shelter, into a scene of festive tables, sizzling BBQs and Homemade Hooch Bar.

About 60 people including allotmenteers from Hollywell, Timberlake, Paddock Road and Harrow were there.  One came from as far as Bristol.  There were stories of 100.000 people waiting for allotments and waiting list times of 72 years.  Apparently the chicken population in London has boomed in the last few years as chicken keeping has captured the imagination of all and sundry including a CEO of a seed company who was in attendance last night.

However the prize goes to a Timberlake Allotmenteer who was packing a Small Webbing Haversack in which was a bottle of Blackberry Vodka and 4 shot glasses.  Say no more!

This entry was posted in BBC, Bloggers Having Their Say, Collective Action, Community Action Watford, Dorothy 'Red Shoes' Thornhill, Election 2015, FibDems, Frequencies Resonating, Green Party Watford, Labour Party, Lightwork, Save Farm Terrace Allotments, Save Farm Terrace Allotments from becoming High Density Housing, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Truth Movement, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Watford Council, Watford Green Party, What's Happening in Herts and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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