Tag Archives: As X Bankster Jim O’Neill told Richard Bacon recently ‘What you want is a young labour force without the burden of a large pensioner group.’

Patricia Greenwood Survived The Liverpool Care Pathway

As X Bankster Jim O’Neill told Richard Bacon recently, ‘What you want is a young labour force without the burden of a large pensioner group.’ Oh hey what happened to that ‘We’re all in this together Jim?  Didn’t those folk … Continue reading

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Posted in 'Care Pathway', Banksters, Bloggers Having Their Say, ConDem Health and Social Welfare Bill 2012, Conservative Party, Daily Mail, Death Dealers, Depopulation Techniques, Economy Train Wreck, Election 2015, FibDems, Frequencies Resonating, Getting Away With Murder, How to Identify Tories, Justice4Jobseekers Facebook, Lightwork, Money Matters, Natural Health, NHS, Plundering Public Pensions, Privatisation, Psychopaths, Spin Spin Spin, The Bottomleys, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Tory Party 2015 General Election Team, Truth Movement, Uncategorized, Various Suspicious Operations, Watford Coalition of Resistance | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments