Astana Of Kazakhstan Will Serve as a Mystery School Capital for the Replacement of All Religious Beliefs (Except Cult Dogmas and A.I. Enhanced Brainwashing)

JamesRoss – Published 30 November 2021

GW: Well tptwtb are not sparing any expense on their new capital.  Handy location halfway between China and Russia and on all the essential Ley Lines one supposes.  Quite gaudy really.  That’s [[[their]]] style though opulent gaudiness.   Numerology & ritual are everything to [[[them]]] as well.  Poor things so lacking in ordinary human traits that [[[they]]] would find no joy in such a simple thing as viewing a sunrise from the top of the highest sand dune in the world or sitting in Frauen Kirche listening to the service and wondering ……..

GW: Well U pathetic tyrants I’ll see your banal Globaaaaalist pyramidal architecture and raise you One Fine Sand Dune and a Christian Church you tried to bomb to oblivion but could not conquer!

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