Daily Archives: November 8, 2021


https://www.bitchute.com/video/1hXIDGUWBxJP/ ENZYMEDOM WALLED IN MEDIA – Published 31 October 2021

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Personality john, St Austell, United Kingdom, @DM: How do we trigger an election,vote of no confidence or get the police involved.their must be away for the public to do this.this all needs to stop and be investigated. – GW: Election? We are in a Communist State right now.

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Ohnobitsnot, Glasgow, United Kingdom, @DM: We demand our money back !!! Including the 20 odd trillion lying in offshore accounts which is unpaid taxes belonging to the people .. cough up or go to prison you bunch of gangsters

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zxspectrum, Frogmore cottage, United Kingdom, @DM: Paraphrasing slightly, there’s liars, bare faced damned liars, then there’s fraud bethel.

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Jane00, Surrey, United Kingdom, @DM: Whole situation is a massive lie a huge transfer of wealth and of freedoms from us to them. God help you if you’ve taken their”vaccine”. This lot all had placebos because they know there’s nothing to fear. And they won’t have that c r a p in their bodies. It’s d e p opulation

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Seven minutes of magic from Mark Steyn

‘What a week . . . Boris Johnson is very concerned about rising sea levels washing away the Maldives in the year 2200. He’s not, last time I checked, Prime Minister of the Maldives; he’s purportedly the Prime Minister of … Continue reading

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making sense of life, la Rochelle, France, @DM: Could this be why, during Brexit, we never got to the bottom of that ferry contract awarded to a company who didn’t actually have any ferries ? Millions of pounds were involved but I never heard of anybody being held to account.

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Curmudgeon, Cockermouth, United Kingdom, @DM: Andthisiswhy Johnson and his Tory cabal are looking to limit the scope of judicial review in the courts. Their arrogance and self entitlement make them believe that the little people should not have the right to question their pilfering of the public purse. People need to wake up quickly to the Brick by Brick dismantling of the system which provides checks and balances to anti democratic and criminal behaviour by Johnson and his cohort. – GW: Speaking of ”bricks” – Don’t forget that WEF numerologically significant BBB (666 & 222) slogan Johnson keeps chanting. It’s almost Panto Season.

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meyouandthem, Swinton, United Kingdom, @DM: Why waste thousands of pounds buying MP’s computers and smartphones when they decide to use their own unprotected items? Surely that is open to interception and/or hiding communications they do not want to be seen. Then to state he has done nothing wrong! All I can say is I, for one, do not fall for his lies!

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Maxims, anywhere but Brexit, United Kingdom, @DM: Vote reform and get more of the people who supported these clowns and brevet with their untraceable backers. – GW: Vote any alternative party rather than the usual ”Lib-Lab-Green-Con-Tricksters”

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