PlannediLusion – Published 29 August 2021

Australia has traitorous cops going door to door preaching the death jab. And many will fall prey, the elderly, the scared mother, the weak man, the children by the millions. People need to stand up and run these sold out thugs from your communities. They don’t have a heart. They are hired psychopaths. They KNOW everything there is to know about what’s going on and they INTENTIONALLY continue to take orders from their higher-ups, why? Because they have A. Decided their paycheck is more important than millions of lives AND OR B.They take great pleasure in abusing power. THEY ALL KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS IMMORAL,UNETHICAL & PURE TYRANNICAL EVIL. THIS IS A WAR! And for you pansy asses that think ” oh they’re just doing their job, it’s not their fault.” YOU ARE WRONG. THEIR job is TO PROTECT AND SERVE WE THE PEOPLE. But they’re NOT, they are serving THEIR interests and that of their dictatorship. YOU PEOPLE that keep making excuses for the evil doers are the main reason we have been losing this war. So, NOW YOU KNOW, you have no more excuses. STAND WITH US or get run down. [show less]

Most police are masons – definitely anyone who makes Snr SGT upwards.

Constance3 – > Vondougen

Catholic Church vs Freemason’s NWO

Jew-British Pax Brittanica is the removal of Pax Romanum as a spiritual force in the world.

“To fight against papacy is a social necessity and constitutes the constant duty of Freemasonry.” (Masonic International Congress held in Brussels 1904, page 132 of the report.

British Israel, ‘Judeo Masonry’, and the Catholic Church
Undermining America with anti-Catholicism

John 15:18
“If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.”

Memoirs of an anti apostle [show less]

Look into the many country leaders that have mysteriously “died” for the past several decades that didn’t comply with the Globalist agenda.👍🏼


Someone asked “why don’t you take the jab”
I responded “I don’t inject something in my blood stream without knowing what it is.”
“I also did the research from legitimate doctors,scientists & others that have nothing monetarily to gain and found out what actually is in the inoculation and it is lethal.”
“I also realized early on, never trust Government or anyone who works with them Ex:Fauci,Gates,Zuckerberg,Dorsey,DOJ,CIA,FBI etc etc”

“I also seen the EXTEME push for restrictions against our liberties in the name of safety”
“I also saw that Government,News Media,Hollywood,Music industry,Big Tech & other so-called elites working in tandem to hide the facts, hide the data & censor ALL OPPOSING VIEWS but continue pushing their narrative.” 

It’s a psychologivsl feat to have succeeded in getting millions to do just that without question

Radical Life
Well we were told in our youth to just say no to drugs … Its unapproved with dangerous side effects

tick tock
Anna Palaszchuk let slip once that even if the 80% target is reached some restrictions would still have to remain in place such as the social distancing. A while ago i came across the governments proposal plan to opening up and it clearly said the same thing about still enforcing social distancing. Their is no going back to normal i just wish the sheep could see that and feel cheated enough to stand with us on saying no, not complying.

Radical Life
Can’t help but think this distancing is for facial/skeletal camera recognition

That was a wonderful interview. Material attachment will do a lot of people in. I must admit I’m not looking forward to the day that I have to abandon everything I worked hard for just to escape with my life. Stay strong Australia.

Would be great to have this wonderful lady as a neighbour! Amazing guest, thank you once again Jimuphy

Indeed 🙂

Dr Young exposes what is in the jabs – they are 99% Graphene Oxide

The jabs are to get Graphene Oxide into your body, it travels to the brain and acts as an antenna and interface with your brain neurons. This is what could be done in 2018.

The Federal Parliament is sitting on the Woods Report which outed 28 pedophiles in the Parliament and Judiciary. They put a 90 year Parliamentary Privilege seal on it. The Country is run by criminals!

I also have smartphone for last 10 years. But I am smarter. I stopped trusting media since coming to USA back in 1987. Stopped having medical insurance since 2008. Have not seen a doctor since then.

l went through all that with them last week and explained how mass psychosis works.they were fully informed…l explained what menticide is.. and how that works. also mentioned hypnosis and also explained how people are becoming mesmerized..lts almost like a spell was cast on them.. how is it possible to do a 180 within a day… they were adamant and firm in their decision not to take it.

ABSOLUTELY… ppl need to realise how controlling these PROGRAMS are

when l questioned him as to why he took the vaccine. He said it was for the greater good for the community and he said it was safe.. omg l thought… he then said it was safe.. l said who told you that.. he said no one…l said so how do you know its safe, he said he did his own study and arrived at the conclusion it was safe.None of this made any sense because he has been researching for 18 monthsHe knows its dangerous.. he is aware of the protein spikes and what they do.. hes aware of the clots and how they form..he knows thousands have died from it.. His tv was turned on throughout this call…..he said out of the blue they even just said it on the tv….What he meant by this l dont know but it basically confirmed my suspicion he has been psyoped…. l told him they got to you which he denied. and became upset…He then made an excuse his friend had arrived and had to go out..lf this behaviour is any indication of whats happening l can only draw the conclusion something else is going on .l have known this person for nearly 20 years .always been mentally stable and not into drugs or alcohol..hes literally become a different person over night.

But, but, it’s not a VACCINE, it’s experimental mRNA Therapy that requires constant booster shots I am not an animal, I am not a lab rat.

No name
The globalists are the laughing stock of the awakened community. [[[Their]]] fear creates the need to control but the way [[[they]]] go about all these false flags is so laughable it’s just as bad as the tin foil moon landing. People who see these things as truth also believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and have the consciousness of a gnat. It’s almost embarrassing how unrealistic and clearly deceptive [[[their]]] plans have been. I’m sure there are many things that did not go according to [[[their]]] plan because we have been turning on the spotlight on everything that [[[they]]]’ve been doing. When you turn a light on in a darkened room you can’t unsee what’s in it. People are waking up so the globalists need to understand that [[[they]]]’ve already lost. God is using t[[[hem]]] to kill the unconscious who refuse to wake up and resonate with fear and then he’s going to turn [[[them]]] on each other as [[[they]]] all want to rule the world. Go take a look at the lyrics for that song.

It seems that we have been double-crossed?! There is a lot of indication that the
AI runs the show program for ages through us. Early gnostics said it. Later,
Gurdjieff, Mouravieff, Barbara Bartholic, Philip Dick, John Keel, James Mahu etc.
You tell 10 people, please download BT-scanner app for mobile phones and you
will see that the vaccinated people broadcast a pretty strong Bluetooth signal (BLE
type) with a MAC address and one or two of them may check it out, while 8 will
ignore it or have more important issues to deal with. What to say?! The AI does
not allow it?! But, as long as one or two are able to, there is a hope.

More here:

BT Scanner:

BT finder and scanner:

But Telegram wants your phone number! No way.

Most don’t even know the true meaning of Fascism. Antifa (Antifascist) are a Communist terror group funded by J$wish billionaire George Soros.

What is Fascism? – Fascism Explained in a Quick Crash Course

Jewish Murderers Of The Spanish Civil War (Jews call Anti Communists/Christians/Gentiles “Fascists & NAZIs”)

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