Daily Archives: August 8, 2021

Jane P, Plymouth, UK @DailyMail: Why are they even in hotels and not secure and guarded accommodation. They are illegal immigrants. Note the word illegal. Of course they are going to abscond.

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Diane Patricia, Manchester, UK @DailyMail: It does not surprise me in the least. While the ones who arrive legally HAVE to stay in quarantine. Where were the guards who could have stopped this, there were NONE. This government are so blo-dy scared of the illegals they LET them do what they want, and they do, and get away with it. God help this country….

Agee, Grays, UK @DailyMail: Makes a mockery of the Covid restrictions.

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Hundreds of illegals who arrived in Britain after crossing the English Channel on small boats go MISSING after absconding from their hotels

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9872399/Government-panic-missing-boat-migrants-dockside-reception-centre-grows.htm Government panic over missing boat migrants… as dockside reception centre grows Noggle, Coventry, UK @DailyMail: Is anybody really supprised by this? There are an estimated 800,000 people living in this country illegally. A few more won’t make any difference … Continue reading

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Ann W27, London, UK @DailyMail: Sounds like Boris. Perhaps his oligarch mate who was moored offshore at the time, could have assisted?

Owned by Russian-American oil tycoon Eugene Shvidler “Le Grand Bleu” Truth is catching up, on all things sinister there’s a man on the run, the British Prime Minister king of the bluff, this Charlie who’s lied on the run, out … Continue reading

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Man on a Soapbox, London, UK @DailyMail: Shows what a complete baffoon Johnson really is, the water was six inches deep, the waves an incredible Seven inches.

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Prof. Plum, Toulouse – home of Airbus, France, @DailyMail: Floundering And Out Of His Depth. That isn’t a headline, it’s the title of Boris’ Biography.

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peteb, Warrington, @DailyMail: Yeah, like he supposedly had the bug and the vaxx !!!!! Don’t believe one word of any of this stuff anymore. A Churchill my A.R.S.E !!!!

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Teapot the 1st, North Herts, UK @DailyMail: Just as well his protection squad were on hand – the RNLI were busy with Migrant Watch duties.

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Al Johnson-Kemal ‘nearly drowned’ after being swept out to sea ‘on a paddle board’ on Highlands staycation

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9871979/Boris-Johnson-nearly-drowned-swept-sea-Highlands-staycation-year.html deep in the woods, Hampshire, UK @DailyMail: Given the amounts of fat in his body he should have been floating rather than sinking. Phillipa2021, Peterborough, UK @DailyMail: Someone made the point on Talk Radio today that BJ is going … Continue reading

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London experiences a RISE in TfL industrial action despite Khan’s pledge of ‘zero strikes’

https://www.nytimespost.com/sadiq-khan-presides-over-rise-in-tfl-industrial-action-despite-pledging-zero-strikes/ GW: That pic tells you all you need to know about Globaaaaalist Bar Steward SadSack Khant. If [[[they]]] say ”Jump” Khan just says ”How high?”

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