TAP: APPALLING! – Loss of Sight, Brain Damage & Death – Adverse Reaction rate to Covid Vaccines increases to 1 in 200!

28 Feb 2021
posted by Weaver

The UK Government have released a fourth update highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer and Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccines that have occurred since the rollout began on the 8th December and things have got much worse.

The report has collated data inputted up to the 14th February 2021 via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme and shows that the Oxford jab has now overtaken the Pfizer jab for reported adverse effects, even though there have been more doses of the Pfizer jab administered.

As of the 14th February there have been 8.3 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine administered with the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine over 1 million doses administered behind with just 6.9 million doses administered.

But the Oxford Jab has received 33,427 Yellow Card reports whilst the Pfizer Jab has received 26,823. And in the week since the 3rd UK Gov./MHRA report was released which included data inputted up to the 7th February there has been an increase of 2,616 Yellow Card reports for the Pfizer vaccine and a whopping 10,999 reports for the Oxford vaccine, but each report can include several different adverse reactions to the jabs.

The Government’s own summary (which you can read at ukgovlink below) states that ‘usage of the AstraZeneca (Oxford) vaccine has increased rapidly and as such, so has reporting of fatal events.’

They’re not wrong as the data now shows a total of 197 reports of adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab resulting in death and 205 reports of adverse reactions to the Oxford jab resulting in death, even though the Pfizer jab has been administered to over 1 million more people.

In the first released report, which included reports of adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines up to the 24th January 2021, the Government confirmed a rate of 1 in every 333 people suffering from an adverse reaction to the Covid vaccines. Sadly this rate has now increased to 1 in every 200 people suffering from an adverse reaction to either the Pfizer or Oxford Jab.

At the current rate if every man, woman and child was to receive just a single dose of a Covid vaccine, as is the authorities plan, there could be a total of 335,000 people suffering a serious adverse reaction. The worrying thing about this is that the rate has increased over time and still may increase further.

When compared to an alleged total of 120,000 “Covid” deaths occurring in the UK does it seem worth it? We think not as we’ve proven the Covid deaths have been greatly overstated – you can see the evidence here, here and here.

APPALLING! – Loss of Sight, Brain Damage & Death – Adverse Reaction rate to Covid Vaccines increases to 1 in 200!

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