Chancellor Rishi Sunak says Britain’s finances face ‘enormous strains’ amid fears he plans to raise taxes on rich to pay £280billion Covid bill

GoodStrongTea, Guildford, United Kingdom,
Is that it? Raise taxes? Did we accidentally elect a Labour Government? – Where does this endless money come from without any way of stimulating medium sized business or keeping anyone interested in starting new ones interested anymore. Is the eternal threat of lockdown and imminent ruin going to live on forevermore in the UK – after NZ has closed with one ‘case’ (positive test, oh dear) of Covid or flu? This supposed ‘genius chancellor’ would do well to have at least one ‘genius’ idea – Because it was him alone who has thrown the country into ruin, expecting he could just ‘raise taxes, rob pensions, raise duty’ to bail us out of the mess he created with silly furloughing for no real reason, blind spending on buying vaccines and PPE for fortunes, and absurdly open handed loans that have been swindled.

How-Can-I-Make-My-Opinion-Count, Nowhere Sunny, United Kingdom,
Agree anyone who doesnt work & is in receipt of benefits should be forced to earn their free rent, council tax & benefits! Cleaning streets, working in prisons, cleaning schools, school dinners i’m sure a change in policy would be a huge boost the ”can’t work, won’t work” must be forced to earn benefits!!!

Holly Christmas, Manchester, United Kingdom,
“Roll Up, Roll Up, come and get your Free Money from the magic money Tree!”- NOTHING will be given to the Working Classes, that have worked right through the Fake-Virus! BUT- MOR Benefit-Scroun-ging Money will be made available! Free laptops, Free I-Phones. All to be Pawned in the nearest Cash Generator the day after – to buy more Drugs! The man is Hopeless and needs Removing!

charles15, bushey heath, United Kingdom,
Those who released that virus are guilty and must pay.

Smythe-William, Stopperton, United Kingdom,
What is his definition of “rich” going to be? Anyone not living on benefits, hasn’t arrived by dinghy and has over 50p in their pocket? The voters are watching and waiting…

Broken-Britain, UK, United Kingdom,
I will be watching very, very carefully. God help this government if they get at workers who earn very little. It will be unforgivable!

AlanGF, LUTON, United Kingdom,
If you look at what is available to those on Benefits they could be considered RICH!

Seadog, Newcastle, United Kingdom,
“the comfortable retired are actually financially better off because of the crisis because their house prices have gone up”? What is that supposed to mean? You can’t buy groceries with roof tiles, and if you could, your leaky house wouldn’t be worth much afterwards. The monetary value of your house will only be realised if you sell it without buying another one, or just die. Neither of which is “better off”.

Gordon, expat, Sweden,
The politicians should take a pay cut first. They are the ones throwing the tax payers money around.

truthseeker0412, Charlotte, United States,
Exactly a 50% pay cut and NO PAY INCREASES for at least 10 years!

How-Can-I-Make-My-Opinion-Count, Nowhere Sunny, United Kingdom,
haha as if that will ever happen they vote on their own pay rises remember the last banking crisis they bailed out the greedy bankers & banks with uk taxpayers money froze public sector pay, public sector/council cutbacks, private sector & economy in tatters but voted themaelves a pay rise. You couldn’t make it up!

DuncanH, London, United Kingdom,
The only people who have not paid anything so far are the public sector. 100 % salaries, pay rises and gold plated pensions that were already as much as 30% above their private sector equivalents before this. There needs to be a major realignment of the public sector to bring it back in line with the priVate sector before any tax rises. Then all those who called for and supported lockdown need to pay for their choices and not steal even more form those who predicted this insanity from the outset!

Chrism1988, Manchester , United Kingdom,
The government has saved billions in pension payments by killing off so many pensioners

Korina Wood, A Free UK, United Kingdom,
Inflation is coming and they know it. Because they caused it by printing money…. that is Inflation. The State is not the answer to the problem, the State is the Problem. Total Incompetence for decades. Imagine having this bunch of clowns run your household…

DanDan90, North, United Kingdom,
Get a 12Bn refund on the dud track & trace system! Big data companies manage to map influenza outbreaks using far less resources than were made available to Serco and they FAILED!

Holly Christmas, Manchester, United Kingdom,
‘Eat out to Help Out’- another Half-Baked idea, from this completely Incompetent Chancellor! Then he gives away all YOUR MONEY! On Business Loans. YET- Never Securing the loans, on the Property of the Business. Does he even Realise, how many people are Laughing at him, all the way to the Bank? Anyone who has ever had a Mortgage knows FULL WELL, the Loan is Secured on the Property. Even after 25 Years, you only OWN IT, when YOU have re-paid the Debt! That is exactly what this Utterly Incompetent Sunak should have done with the Bounce Back Loans! He is Completely UNFIT FOR OFFICE!

Maggit, Somerset, United Kingdom,
Perhaps he should be knocking on Hancock’s door to ask him to pay back the 406 million he squandered on PPE that wasn’t fit for purpose, and the cost of the Nightingale Hospitals that were built, demolished then reconstructed but NEVER used.

Holly Christmas, Manchester, United Kingdom,
He will Tax the already Stretched Working Class, but STILL give BILLIONS away in Foreign Aid, and STILL allow Major Corporates to Avoid Tax! He is the WORST EVER Chancellor, I have seen in my Lifetime! The Benefit-Scro-ungers have had a 22% Increase in their Benefits! Free Grants, to Businesses that do not even EXIST! Loans to Companies who have already gone Bankrupt! Furlough to Employers, that have secretly already SACKED their Workers 8 Months ago, but are STILL Claiming for the Furlough! He is the most Incompetent Chancellor in British History!

Mr P, Bournemouth, United Kingdom,
I’ve worked all the way through, no furlough etc and funded a tutor to make up the shortfall in the awful provision my daughter’s school made in gcse year along with having my annual medical tests pushed back. Now i’m going to pay more tax, great

Stokie_boy, Staffordshire , United Kingdom,
The NHS has its own procurement department, who are responsible for obtaining and stocking personal protective equipment in NHS hospitals doctors surgeries and clinics. If you want to blame anyone its the Head of the NHS.

alnero2, Southampton, United Kingdom,
America owes $ 22 Trillion but it is owed circa $ 20 Trillion. Similar to the balance of this country’s debt, adjusted to GDP levels. Debt is employed by the News Industry and governments as a manipulator. Only one side of this massive two way highway is ever revealed. The other lane, in our direction, is very esoteric.

VersionSaturday, Emerald, United Kingdom,
Small bizz that stayed open like the greengrocers and farmshop butchers…will continue to be favoured. THEY do not blackmail customers! THEY did not take the communist bribe.

colas Q, Yateley, United Kingdom,
If the budget deficit is in the trillions then were all going to be punished for years and years! I like many others have worked throughout this and haven’t borrowed a penny! It sucks!

August Derleth., Innsmouth, Bouvet Island,
Rishi Sunak handed out billions and billions of pounds of the public money without a single thought….. Perhaps he ought to be held to account for what amounts to gross incompetence….

Jo WM, Stourbridge,
An inept group of politicians, led by ego-tripping boffins, caused this hideous level of debt & now we’ve got to pay for it. Disrupted education, failed businesses, the CHS playing catch up with every other medical conditions, every day activities & actions becoming crimes & now we’ve got to pay for it. A country on the verge of bankruptcy & more divided than ever & now we’ve got to pay for it. I despise these people with every fibre of my being. Beware the Ides of March you pitiful individuals.

GW: Me too. Vote for CHANGE 6 May 2021. Vote Independent.

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