Jeff Taylor Part ii

EU plot to cut funds for poor post Brexit!
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10 Billion Subs – 2 Sh*t videos
@Whizzy 4567 who cares. I’m in London.

@10 Billion Subs – 2 Sh*t videos exactly the type little englander the rest of the UK need to get away from. Who cares. What a twat you are mate.

True Christian
12:22 – That’s not true, Jeff. Boris & the Tories also have the option to repeal the legislation that says the UK will not extend the transition period. They can do that quickly & easily, anytime they want to. And the EU knows that full-well, and is probably counting on it to happen.

Mavis Brown
@andrew eeles Andrew Eeles, if you have anything constructive to say, which so far I can see that you don’t, please try harder to write it in plain English with punctuation and full stops, as nessessary, I understand your love of the EU, most of the uneducateded, non-reasearchers that take things at face value because the EU says so, are in my opinion sad followers and will feel the pain the hardest, when the House of Cards comes tumbling down, they are the ones who will feel the loss the hardest, because like yourself, are blind non-educated…non-researched followers of policy that is dangerous to all ways of life in whichever country you were born in, if you are with understanding of the phrase “slowly, slowly, kill a monkey”, enlightenment may yet be yours, but either way to the people that do understand the final aspirations of the said EU, it is, to say, a fate worse than death.

Erik Averink
@ron oli How will you sell the fish, how will the produced (fish caught outside the uk fishing waters is also produced in the UK) fish reach any consumers. Trump already put extra tariffs on some of the EU goods/products, EU did it back (look at Harley Davidson) Trump is a business man, he goes for his own profit or his country’s profit. There will be no charity from Trump, only the best for US based companies. And this is not rocket science, just simple logic.

Erik Averink
@Dave Ad you really voted as a turkey for christmas. If it will be a hard brexit i hope you and your loved  not the kids under 18) ones will feel the consequences hard and long. Don’t blame the EU, you voted to leave. Every grown up man/woman is responsible for their choices and needs to accept the consequences of their actions.

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