Eamonn Holmes slams Meghan Un-ReMarkle-able’s ‘attitude’ in heated debate

Guess who is with Alex SoreAss – Yep that’s right none other than the newest member of RF.  Note the background.

Eamonn Holmes has hit out at Meghan Markle over her ‘uppy attitude’ amid the debate over the Duchess’s demands for privacy. The TV presenter went toe-to-toe on This Morning with a reporter who supported Meghan’s decision, stating that the restrictions they’ve put in place, including not revealing the name of their pet dog, wasn’t fair to the British public who pay in part for their lifestyle.

Calling from Canada, reporter Lainey Lui said that it was unfair that Meghan is getting the brunt of the backlash, seeing as Harry has a hand in the decision too. ‘All the things that you listed about why people are upset, like the demands of privacy or the spending, if there is to be criticism, I don’t know why she’s bearing 85-95% of it,’ she said.

‘She is married to the member of the royal family, his name is Prince Harry, and so I don’t know why she’s taking the lion’s share of whether or not it’s valid criticism, whether or not it’s landing on her.’

Yacht Girl Hat

In response, Eamonn responded that, considering they’re ‘taking from the public purse’, they should be a bit more forthcoming.

Meghan Markle was defended by a Canadian journalist in the debate.  ‘You do know why it’s landing on her,’ he shot back. ‘If you have an uppy attitude, you’re only through the door two minutes, and suddenly you’re sitting at Wimbledon, with Royal protection people going “no photographs”, you do know. ‘If that was somebody in Canada, you would be writing [that] they’re right up their own backside.’

Lui disagreed, saying that she didn’t think it was fair that she was having a camera ‘jammed into her face’ and that Beyonce would not be getting the same treatment.

Clearly not happy with the response, Eamonn added that the man in question was just taking a selfie, but then carried on the interview. Ruth later also joined in, criticising the Royal couple for not allowing press at the christening, and holding back godparents names to baby Archie.

Eamonn Holmes slams Meghan Markle’s ‘attitude’ in heated debate

CIF: Contains no comments. That’s because the GP has grown very tired of the humungous number of articles appearing in MSN about a very unremarkable member of the RF.  Yawn.

GW: Neither did Diana & yet fought her way into the hearts of the British people.  Boo Hoo.  Get over yourself.  As a colleague in the Mental Therapy Profession observed on the weekend ”She is waaaaaaaaay out of her depth.”  All that time spent as a Yacht Girl & she never learned to swim?

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