Farce as ministers cancel MPs’ half-term break amid Brexit crisis – but say they DON’T need to be at Commons if they have holidays booked after demands for compensation


GW: No-one in government should be taking holidays at this time.  What a load of wet pups.  In my day I did shifts from 9pm till 2am when the workload in the office was heavy. I was determined to deliver an excellent Conference on time & I did just that.  Built & and ran the website; did the bookings on a spreadsheet; took payments by VISA & liaised with VISA head office; personally answered all delegates’ emails in a timely manner; arranged dinners & social events; had tee shirts printed up with some artwork done by someone else in the office; went on the scrounge for freebies such as bags for their computers; liaised with the printing office re the meeting handbook; met each one personally at registration – some treated me like an old friend even though we had never met – they came from all over the world.  One man band!  I made too much money & was told it was a great success.  I obtained an excellent reference & was asked to be an ambassador for the town.  If I can work hard like that – so can they!  After all they are paid a lot more than I was!

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