Boo Hoo – Part iii

Alan Winkleman, Hannover, Germany,
The sheer incompetence of a majority of MPs – in or out of government – is mind-boggling. Starting of course with Theresa May who keeps on as if she were at a prayer wheel, convinced that if she asks for the impossible long enough all her wishes will be granted. Parliament can decide what it like but unless the EU agrees to anything then just a waste of time. The uncertainty will last to the last minute – that is the way Brussels gets what it wants. Either prepare for no deal or revoke Article 50. Brussels cannot blink first as it would destroy their credibility and plunge the EU into chaos. Macron and Merkel might blink but that would have the same effect. NO DEAL is coming …. great !

Salfordjoe234, Salford, United Kingdom,
May’s fault for not doing anything for 2 years. Claim it from her.

Jayceef1, GRAVESEND, United Kingdom,
To the complaining MPs. You always say you take pride in serving your country, yet when the biggest decision you will likely make in your lifetime comes up you are more worried about losing a weeks holiday or having to pay for childcare. You complete bunch of hypocrites whichever party you purport to represent.

Janice, Bournemouth, United Kingdom,
Poor Dears! Having to put a historical National Crisis before their luxury holudays. If they had co-operated cross-party to see the majority vote to leave the EU implemented instead of using it to score political points we would not be in this mess two and a half years down the line. Theresa May is an Appeaser not a Negotiotor. She should have left her series of Brexit Ministers to it.

Nick, Soton, United Kingdom,
Send Mps away on holiday from now until the 2nd of April. They can come back to the UK having left the EU under a no deal Brexit. No money wasted, no nonsense laws adopted. What they do then I care not. They’ve proved themselves irrelevant and opposed to our will.

grimreaper666, leicester, United Kingdom,
these arrogant excuses for human beings are beyond description, we really do need to drain the swamp of these ignorant reptiles, at the first opportunity they need removing at the ballot box, break the mould of career elitists and drain the swamp to prove once and for all we are the masters they are just the servants

saltire, South of the border, United Kingdom,
One thing this whole sorry saga has done, it showing our politicians to be the biggest bunch of traitorous selfish charlatans. After we have left EU, it will be time for a massive shake up on the political front. The whole Lib, Lab Con three ring circus has to go.

surreymac, surrey, United Kingdom,
Forget Yougov I had a poll today of all my friends and asked if anyone still respected MPs in general. Resounding ”No.” Never seen a profession apart from bankers self destruct in such a short time frame.

PhilBennett, London, United Kingdom,
Parliament costs taxpayers over half a BILLION every year. Value for money, I think not ! Time for some major cost cutting !!

john heppell, Norwich,
These MPs had better make sure we leave on 29 March 2019 or face a 70% reduction in their numbers until such time as we do. After all for the last 40 years they have had to do only 30% of their work.

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