”We’re Rebels” says Clegg – Typo there Mate – You mean Revels don’t you? You know those mini choc drops?

‘We’re the rebels’ Clegg, Clarke and Adonis laud in their anti-Brexit meeting with Barnier


The three mutineers are an embarrassment to democracy, the British people and themselves. No deal is now the only deal, these negotiations are now tainted with treason of which the UK should play no further part.

Clegg is no politician, rejected by his constituency at the last GE at best he can be described as a former politician. Clarke, undermines the Tory party and should have the whip withdrawn as a result, Bilderberger Clarke even opposes the will of his constituents. As for Adonis, well, liebore, he would wouldn’t he. Ignore this bunch of remoaning whingers, they represent only themselves and their grovelling to foreign powers.

When a foreign entity can dictate to another country then sovereignty was lost!! Seat in the HOC or getting the UK out of the EU ?? Most ppl 17.4m and rising prefer the latter.

rasta – > Ellis
WE the people have voted. What does it take to arrest these sort of sewer rats for treason?

So the good people of the UK finally unchain themselves from the bad ship EU Titanic, only for traitors to start drilling holes in the life-boats to force us back onto a sinking ship. These 3 should be hanged for undermining the country and i for one would be honoured to do the deed.

It is difficult to understand ‘why’ but the reality is they want and seek the end of England, the United Kingdom and Great Britain. If it remained in the EU it is destined to be extinguished as surely as the Roman Empire.

England was to disappear as an individual country, cease to exist as a Parliamentary democracy, its common law and Parliamentary legal system abandoned and replaced by a Napoleonic legal system in which the State dictated and the citizen obeyed.
Why should these traitors want to do that? Are they so enamoured with the communist system? Do they imagine they will remain as unelected rulers with enhanced privileges or might they just be reduced to plebs? They certainly will not be elected because the EU doesn’t do that.

The fate of England and the UK has been for many years already envisaged and tentatively planned for by the leaders of the EU and it would not be to our liking.
Hopefully we have managed to escape, by the skin of our teeth and shortly we will leave the EU to its fate which I trust will be as unpleasant as they envisaged for us.

They are an embarrassment, in the same mould as Lord haw-haw, Petain of Vichy France, and Vidkun Quisling of German occupied Norway. Treacherous and self-serving traitors.


GW:  A bunch of Revels without a ”mistress?”   Is that ”b” in ”rebel” yer bra size Nick?  http://abeldanger.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/middle-temple-patent-matrix-5-mistress.html

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1 Response to ”We’re Rebels” says Clegg – Typo there Mate – You mean Revels don’t you? You know those mini choc drops?

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