”We’re Rebels” says Clegg – Typo there Mate – You mean Revels don’t you? Part ii


T May should publicly denounce this trio and stress to the EU that they are not speaking for the british and have no power or standing and that she finds it unacceptable that Barnier should even consider speaking to them. Not calling them out sends a message to the EU that she is weak, and to the british who voted out that she is betraying them.

These people are traitors R we allowed to tar and feather them still?

We are not (naturally) but we should do it nonetheless.

These three are traitors to the United Kingdom and Democracy. If Barnier has time for Clegg/Clarke/Adonis then he has time to agree a Leave Trade Deal with us. He and they are ALL anti-Democratic and deserve all that is heading their way

The key is knowing when to be a rebel and when not to be, these 3 clowns haven’t got their finger on the public pulse.

BreakingGlass – > pl290
I think the key for the likes of the three traitors – as with a lot more of their friends – in on their ‘conspiracy’, is, they have other motives and were expecting the UK to stay part of the new ‘German Empire’, now, for different reasons, they are trying to thwart a democratic decision – Clegg is an outright anti-British, German controlled EU/Spain lover, Clarke and the rest have ‘Dark’ secrets being called in by wealthy, powerful, greedy, selfish, people that have cash incentives for keeping the UK shackled to the EU.  K K K K K K Ken Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Clarke for instance probably is not wanting that Carlton TV Cook Report Footage to emerge anytime soon.  In addition it was Michael Meacher Labour MP who forced Clarke to answer a HofC Question on the Bilderbergers & then Mr Meacher met an untimely death.

Michael Meacher Granted Bilderberg Parliamentary Question

Monday, 10th June 2013

Every single one of them deserves to be horsewhipped wherever they dare show their faces.

“Back in 1996, Mr. Clarke infamously told the International Currency Review: “I look forward to the day when the Westminster Parliament is just a Council Chamber in Europe.”

Condemned out of his own mouth, Traitor Clarke.

No 2, Clarke has a ‘Dark’ secret, or, owes a debt to G.Soros, the other one is the same, just like his exclusive, very expensive private London club mate, Heseltine, he owes Soros from a long time ago, big time.

GW: Clegg/Clarke/Adonis are a bunch of ”Revels” & May’s a chocolate teapot! None of ’em can stand ”the heat”.

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