We’ve spent £200m in Syria – for nothing

By Peter Oborne For The Daily Mail
PUBLISHED: 30 September 2017

”It is now clear that British backing for the rebels in the Syrian civil war was not just a mistake, it was a disaster.

The policy made a horrific war much worse, and facilitated the growth of ISIS. Though the Government said we were helping ‘moderates’, the main beneficiaries were Al-Qaeda and other jihadists trying to overthrow the dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Now, thanks to a parliamentary question from Baroness Cox, we are learning how much the abortive regime change cost taxpayers.

Ministers say we spent more than £200 million in just the past three years, channelled through the Orwellian sounding Conflict, Stabilisation and Security Fund.

The full sum is certain to be far greater because ministers have not disclosed monies paid out in earlier years. They also refuse to name the groups they paid, possibly because the Government is loath to admit that militant jihadi groups were paid British cash.

The Assad regime committed atrocities. But so did the jihadi opposition and Britain had no reason to get involved. Without British meddling, President Assad’s forces would have made shorter work of dealing with ISIS. Along with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, history will mark Syria among Britain’s foreign policy catastrophes of the 21st century.”


Bonoi, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
The EU are in fact very pleased to see us go, we have been stopping real EU progress, now the real plans are all coming out 1) European security number, 2) one rate of corporation tax, 3) same tax brackets throughout Europe, 4) one finance minister and exchequer, 5) every country in the EU to join the euro, and 6) a European parliament or is that Eurozone parliament, 7) Junker Macron AND Merkel all singing from the same hymn sheet, 8) a United States of Europe by 2024, 9) same tax rates by 2020, plus of course 10) the army, the cost of all this, well, I guess the wealthiest countries will pay because the rest of them can’t afford it or will it be a European income tax, ie federal tax over and above your national sorry state income tax, if we don’t get out now, we are done for, Germany and France running the EU and the uk, a small state.

Johnny Be Good., Paradise, United Kingdom
How did May become PM then, there’s more inside an Easter egg.

polo22x, london, United Kingdom
May,………….a cardboard cut out of a P M, installed BY remainers FOR remainers.

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