TeasMade’s Excuses

Eoin Clarke – Labour Left

”Theresa May says she lost the General Election for two key reasons. On the one hand, she says that the “snap election” caught the Tories by surprise, meaning they were slow to react and got off on the wrong foot. Also, she maintains that there was not enough “political debate” during the election campaign. Upon hearing her rationale, I have to say I was genuinely worried for the woman. Does she forget that she called the election? Has it escaped her memory that she repeatedly refused to debate Jeremy Corbyn? Sadly, what is much more likely is that her recently acquired BBC Spin Doctor is playing the voters for fools. Tories consistently underestimate your intelligence. They are confident that the bulk of voters will swallow this explanation. That voters will indeed forget that it was Theresa May who called the General Election & it was Theresa May who ran scared of real debate. Morning all. x”

Lou Morgan
And she would only ‘debate’ with bussed in supporters in carefully crafted keep me away from the public events.

Steven Barber
The irony of a Tory saying those words, total dumbarse hope electorate see through her this time

GW: Looks like the TC Conference is getting off to a good start then.

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