Grenfell Tower fire: MPs call for Government to seize control of Kensington and Chelsea Council

”K&CC leader, Nick Paget-Brown, quit after coming under intense pressure for his handling of the disaster, which claimed at least 80 lives.

Calls for his resignation reached fever pitch after he cancelled a meeting of the borough’s cabinet following a High Court ruling that handed the media the right to attend. The Prime Minister’s spokeswoman criticised the decision and declined to say if Theresa May still had confidence in him.

The deputy leader of Kensignton and Chelsea Council, Rock Feilding-Mellen, who was responsible for housing, also quit this evening. Earlier in the day, Robert Black, the head of Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation, stood down to “assist with the investigation and inquiry”.”

Tories on the run.

Why will the true death toll not be announced until next year, according to reports? Is this so by then they hope it will have receded from the memory to let the anger die down?

Because teeth are hard to find and that is all that will be left in some cases. Did you see the inferno in the upper floors?

Grenfell Tower is a symbol of 7 lean years of Tory’s
public service austerity
and tax breaks for corporations (28% to 19%).

UK Column News 15th June 2017 – #GrenfellTowerFire “Nudging” The Poor Out Of London

George Greek TruckerThis news report contains a good piece of footage where a woman explains the full scale of the shoddy works carried out by Rydon Group.

Grenfell fire: Deputy leader of Kensington council Rock Fielding-Mellon resigns, following leader

”K&CC were also reported to have failed to return calls from neighbouring councils offering accommodation in their boroughs, failed to distribute money donated to help and failed to house survivors locally, the Guardian reported.”

This particular character is a property developer and should resign from the council completely forthwith. What kind of council allows a property developer to sit as convener of its housing committee? (As we’ve seen an incompetent and corrupt one). He swanned around playing with other people’s money and wanted brownie points for making the Grenfell refurb a cut price job. For him the cladding costs were reduced. Did he approve the gas pipes running through that building? Did he accept that building from the contractors when the gas piping hadn’t even been boxed in? We already know he approved exchanging zinc cladding for aluminium cladding.

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