NHS Troubles Part ii


Stop privatisation – get rid of agencies, pay fair wages and hire staff directly, cut out half of the middle managers, use savings to subsidise train big of more staff- problem solved

Branson and Autumn RadtkeSunnyP
Branson is desperately trying to set up his doctor daughter’s business by taking over bits of NHS – Tony helped him- there is a pattern emerging – all of them are in it together to scroo us- fools like Trev. Lee who are the last of Remoaners have yet to realise they are victims – they are neither wealthy businessmen or politicians

Ann Milton
An EU report, published by the Telegraph on 13/10/13 found that 600 000 unemployed EU migrants living in Britain were costing the NHS £1.5 billion annually.

Check it out for yourself. Much more about the problems in the NHS etc etc in David Vincent’s book “2030: your children’s future in Islamic Britain.”

If you read “2030: your children’s future in Islamic Britain ” you will see it is much more complicated than that….

You will see the references to the fact that Britain’s 30 MILLION tax payers now pay £4000 a year MORE than they did in 1997.

In 1997, total government welfare spending was £111billion.

By 2011, it was £227 billion and did not include government spending on the NHS or Education….and much much more…you know why….

GW:  So we have 30 Mill Tax Payers taking care of 80 Mill??????  That’s 50 Mill NOT paying.  That’s an awful lot of children and old people.

FOREIGN AID FARCE: How £150m of NHS cash is being sent overseas despite health crisis

NEARLY £150 million from Britain’s health budget has been spent on overseas aid projects in the past year – despite the NHS facing the worst crisis in its history.

It comes as the Treasury is set to announce a review that could herald the introduction of a punitive death tax to meet the rising cost of social care, with Chancellor Philip Hammond under pressure to address the NHS crisis.

Philip Hammond 18 Sept 2012.

Philip Hammond 18 Sept 2012 – 2017 Same old …..

Mr Hammond is expected to pour as much as an extra £1 billion into social care – although the funding shortfall is still predicted to rise to £2.6 billion by 2020.

Despite the cash crisis, which has prompted claims that health spending has grown at its slowest rate since records began in 1955, it has been revealed that the amount the Department of Health spent on Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) has almost quadrupled in the past year.

Figures it released show that the amount spent on ODA has increased from £32 million in 2015/16 to £149 million in 2016/17.

The ODA budget has grown since 2014, the first year when it allocated cash to overseas aid, when it spent £11million.


Many of these “charitable” NGOs provide a layer of deniability for deliberate covert supragovernmental chicanery
. Try searching ” something strange happening in the Mediterranean” you will not be amused.

This government is not fit for purpose as it is spending tax payers money so willy nilly. A General Election is called for and get rid of these pathetic MP’s.

the spectre of camerloon is still around, it was he who decided to guarantee 0.07% of GDP on overseas aid. All MPs are the same, they love to give our money away to corrupt countries and even more so to corrupt NGOs in this country. They have made millionaires of the NGO owners, (they are companies who are set up to make profit) so for every 1 pound going into aid 10% is taken as profit AFTER running costs, salaries running into hundreds of thousands for every NGO, 20% is stolen by corrupt officials in the recipient country, the rest is wasted on companies in China to make ladies bra’s or open cafe’s, radio stations in pakistan, rockbands in ethiopia. It makes me sick just thinking about it, look after our own before the rest of the world!  

Hunt was launched on his way to became a millionaire via the good old British Council Programmes & Aunt Ginny remember.

Of that £150 MILLION, how much went to the people and how much went to off shore black hole accounts?

GW:  Meanwhile DofH spending on NHS has dropped to slowest rate since 1955 and Hammond is proposing a DEATH TAX on the 30 MILL who already pay tax to fund the rising cost of social care for those who don’t!

According to someone GW was in conversation with recently Hammond was approached by some financially sound folk with a workable plan to fund the NHS and they were told he was ”too busy” to listen to them????  


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