EUSSR Walk Away Part i – Meet ToriCon MP Watford Rich Harrington’s EUROprat Twin Brother – Gianni Pittella

‘You WILL PAY’ Eurocrat blasts back at Parliament Brexit report and demand £50BN


Gianni Pittella – another EUSSR PoliWonk

And can the EU pay the UK Euro 120 billions for our contributions and investments over the 40 years we were members? The invoice is printed, ready to send c/o Juncker

S-X & travel, now F–K Off.

Grow a spine May and just walk away. If you aren’t willing to do it, let someone who will. You have done absolutely NOTHING in over 8 months, apart from 9 U-turns! You’re not fit to be in the position of PM.

Let’s just walk away and tell them to stuff their trade deals and the single market!

We don’t need to remain in Nato either if we are going to be protectiing people who hate our guts and are building a private EU army anyway.
Four Tops – Walk Away Renee (1968) HD 0815007

GW:  My goodness when they ”made” Rich we thought they had thrown away the mould.

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