‘It makes NO SENSE’ EU STILL meddling in UK fishing with new rules threatening industry


If it were me I’d be making the announcements….NOT THE EU…!

And they’d go something along these lines:

EU merchant trawlers are now BANNED from British territorial waters….Any found attempting to land fish there will have their catch confiscated and be expelled from UK waters….Under the escort of the RN.

Any and all EU “fishing laws”…in fact just attempts at a kind of economic blockade….Are recinded.

Any attempts by the EU to stir up resistance to this in the wider international community will be seen as a hostile act.

And that would be that….As they say…

Levi B

The Emperors New Clothes is correct. The low stock issue is caused by the massive EU fishing fleet. Even mackerel are becoming endangered.

Randolph Eaton-Howe
you have to tell the full story DE and I am one of the biggest Leavers there is. It was OUR government that encouraged the EU’s ban on bass fishing as we were worried about stocks.

When we handed our fishing right over to the EU this country especially Sctland lost over 180,000 jobs in fish processing alone! Nicola Sturgeon wont want you or the Scotish people to know that! How our boats at that time could not catch and export is beyond all logic! We literally transported 180,000 jobs to the EU, with the full blessing of our traitors! While fishing families were paid to burn their boats!

And sell their licences to foreigners!

Of course you will all Remember GELDOF sticking his two fingers up to our fishermen. Well maybe the fishermen should stick two fingers up to the EU

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