How can the UK prepare for the floods to come?

“Sarah Whatmore, professor of environment and public policy at Oxford university, who has led studies on flood defences, said some of these – even major ones such as the barriers on the Thames in London and in York – might need to be re-thought in the era of climate change.

“We probably need to rebuild or re-scale those interventions, at very large expense,” she said. “The likelihood is that there is now this additional intensity or frequency.”  No we would much rather spend the money on  humongous amounts of overseas aid and on bombing Syria Sarah.  Or at least “pretending” to bomb Syria.

This leads to the issue of cost, not least what the climate change committee, which advises the government, warned in 2014 was a big gap in public spending.

The government is aiming to raise £600m in “partnership funding”, including from the private sector, where developers building in flood-prone areas contribute to the cost of defences.

Earlier this month, the government said it had so far raised £250m. However, just £61m came via the private sector, meaning £189m came from local councils – possibly not a viable future source of flood protection money given the spending cuts.”

GR Comment: “For this winter’s flood alleviation the government can get it’s finger out and apply for EU grants exactly for this purpose – for some unknown reason they have not yet done so despite the devastation of Cumbria earlier this month If this country is as impoverished as ministers have been telling us then we need to do this quickly before its citizens suffer more. The government response so far has been ostrich head in the sand. Heaven knows how badly this must look when viewed from abroad.”  CaMoron told us last year we didn’t need help with flood defence from Europe because we were a ‘rich nation’.

GR Comment:  “When I was at school many years ago there was a campaign that stated “Plant a tree in ’73, plant some more in ’74”. It never really happened though. I walked the Pennine Way in 1973 and was amazed to see how barren and desolate the highlands of England are.”

GR Comment:  “Here in Cumbria local MP Rory Stewart Minister for Floods is beholden to local farmers and landowners for his lifelong majority. So don’t expect any tree planting in the hills here. Just sheep, sheep and more sheep!”

David Cameron’s solution to flood defences – everyone in UK should keep a £13 pair of wellington boots in the cupboard in case of flooding.

Well all those “super rich” who have chosen to live in the UK for “tax haven” reasons will have to “cough up” the tax pounds to pay for flood defences for their homes.

Thanks to GW Researcher for the link.

GW:  Get rid of the ToriCons is how we can move forward.  Cameron et al chose to ignore all the warnings about flooding from advisers in the Dept for Environment and then sacked about 1000 of them during another one of Gideon’s MegaAusterity Sacrificial Rituals earlier in 2015.  Wouldn’t be surprised if those very individuals were not pierced with one thousand sharp objects and their flowing blood used to make the Christmas Bread at Murdoch’s Yuletide Party!
TYory Flood Defence Fail

Thanks to Eoin Clarke for the graphic.

Historic weather records rubbish Cameron’s attempts to blame floods on global warming

DER Comment: “Please sign and share the following petition to bring back dredging in the UK. This along with other methods will help prevent future flooding. Thanks”

DER Comment: “Cameron would blame his piles on global warming if he thought he could get away with it.”

DER Comment: “Out of his depth in every aspect of the word. We thought John Major and Gordon Brown were useless but Cameron is in a class of his own.”

DER Comment: “He is more than aligned with them Cameron is one of many globalist installed puppet leaders”

DER Comment: Climate change is, in a nutshell, a load of bolloc.k.s invented by the illuminati and their pet project the communist UN to redistribute cash from the West to the 3rd world and lining their own pockets into the bargain and push ahead with their megalomaniac one world government dictatorship.”

DER Comment: “It should be a crime, politicians like Cameron telling lies to the British public and blaming the flooding on global warming. It was a natural event, made worse by cuts to flood defences”

Revealed: How Government ‘cost the UK BILLIONS’ by slashing flood defence budget


“Lord Krebs said: “We have said in our report to parliament in June that we think its whole strategy on flood management – on defences, planning, new homes, managing the landscape – needs to change.

“The government said, basically, no we’re happy with what we’re doing. I would hope and expect that this winter would make the Government re-think. If you invest in flood defences you save a lot more than the cost.””

DER Comment:The Overseas Aid budget, whilst excessive in a country that is being degraded by austerity cuts, pales into insignificance compared to the costs of continuing our membership of the EU. As our government borrows ever more to fund its foreign projects (including the EU), more and more people are becoming aware of the unfairness of their policy, and hopefully will make their opinions known. All MPs have email addresses, easy to find. Perhaps a campaign to show our own MPs aware of our feelings on the matter. I’ve already fired one in at mine.”

DER Comment:Mr Osborne told the House of Commons it was “overwhelmingly in our national interest” to commit to foreign aid spending, as he told MPs the total overseas aid budget will increase to £16.3bn by 2020, but why is it in our national interest, who even knows or acknowledges it?”  The majority of the population don’t know we give so much away and like the rest of us don’t know where it is spent.

As the only country in the world to have made giving away 0.7% of our GDP law, should the general public have been consulted after all the Conservatives won only 24.3 per cent of all registered voters to gain their majority. Around 15.7 million of these registered voters didn’t vote. 30.7 million did vote. And 11.3 million gave their votes to the Tories.
Now under Osborne and the conservatives we are giving away huge sums £12 billion in 2014 and at least £13 billion in 2015.
As a proportion of our GDP (The annual wealth of a country) we give the most foreign aid in the world, despite owing 1.5 trillion, with debt repayments of £50 billion a year and rising, we continue to borrow to give money away in ever larger amounts, while looking around for budgets to slash.
In monetary terms, the UK now has the second highest aid budget in the world behind the US, which spends £19.6 billion. But that is just 0.19 per cent of its national income. France spends 0.36 per cent, and Germany 0.41 per cent.
The UK’s aid budget is now nearly double France’s and ten times the level in Spain.
More than half the members of a group of 28 industrialised nations reduced their aid budget between 2013 and 2014, a report found. Japan’s was cut by 15.3 per cent to £5.5billion. Australia cut its foreign aid by 7.2 per cent to £2.5billion, while cash-strapped Spain cut it’s funding by 20.3 per cent to £1.1billion.
Just 38% of the £12billion aid budget went to the 48 least developed countries last year, Pakistan, India, Nigeria, and Kenya were among the top 10 of countries the UK helped despite not counting as “least developed”.
If we are giving foreign aid as a back hander or bribe so people buy our products how is that ethical, just ask yourself why don’t the government tell us why, when and how these billions are being spent?”
Liz Truss Flood
Thanks to “Labour Left” for the graphic.
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