Daily Archives: December 21, 2015

Tory ministers threaten to QUIT if Cameron bans them from pushing for EU exit

“Fox warned Cameron that treating Eurosceptics like ‘idiots’ would have hazourdous effect” http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/628454/Tory-ministers-QUIT-David-Cameron-bans-pushing-EU-exit Some say that this “EU In/Out Shake It All About” hula hula is just a side-show in order to distract the GP.  Yes we like to “Hula … Continue reading

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Christopher Bollyn – Solving 9/11 TX Feb 12 2015

http://www.bollyn.com/ The use of ‘Super Thermite’. Found at https://thecolemanexperience.wordpress.com/2015/04/18/in-memory-of-jason-swift/ Comment:  “The man behind the curtain sure ain’t no bloody wizard Toto!!”

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Janner’s thank you note to detective who was forced to drop case by bosses: Peer sent Christmas card after learning he would escape child sex abuse charges

27 April 2015 “‘Someone higher up told us that we couldn’t just arrest an MP and it went no further. We were told that by someone senior, who I can’t name, but the order had to have come from the … Continue reading

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‘Rote learning: the pantomime villain in education’

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationopinion/12054277/Rote-learning-the-pantomime-villain-in-education.html TR Comment:  “Understanding memory makes teaching and learning multiplication tables easy. We are building new neural networks, and the problem with tables is one of co-ordination rather than maths. So, I teach the 2x very carefully, making sure that … Continue reading

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Jeremy Corbyn’s first 100 days: What Labour the leader has achieved since he came to power

1. He helped force a tax credits U-turn 2. And a police cuts U-turn 3. And a Saudi prisons U-turn 4. There’s been a massive boost in party membership 5. Labour defied critics in its first by-election 6. Huge crowds … Continue reading

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